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Everything posted by Sportybx

  1. Given the current track . How is it looking for NYC . Are we talking flooding or just some wind and heavy rain . With LI getting all the flooding ?
  2. Why would this be the worst possible track and not one slamming into the Jersey sure say ?
  3. The whole east coast gets wrecked in 2 weeks . From South Carolina all the way up to nyc and Boston .......
  4. Two clicks to the west and Florida’s east coast will be a mess and all the people who didn’t leave ... my god it’s going to be horrible
  5. Nope not at all ... she just boarded it a few hours ago . I’m sitting here like yeah that’s nice . By the time you get there nothing will be left of the Bahamas .
  6. My wife’s cousin just boarded a cruise in Jacksonville on the way to Bahamas . Am I the only one who thinks that is completely crazy ? How the hell does a cruise line even attempt to be out in those waters not knowing the exact tract for the next 5 days ?
  7. How’s it looking with the new models on the palm beach coast up towards port st Lucy ??
  8. Obviously the area of southern Florida where this could make landfall . There is a lot of towns from Miami up to Port ST Lucy . I have family in Delray Beach and Port St Lucy . I can’t get them a flight out because the prices have jumped to $900 a ticket . Should I tell them to go over to the Cape Coral area . Where other family currently lives ?
  9. Hi all down in SC and NC . I spend my vacation every year down in Litchfield beach and this past year while on vacation my son was diagnosed with luekimia . He was air flown from litchfield to Charleston SC children’s hospital . I’ve made some amazing friends while down there and honestly everyone from the south that I’ve met have been so friendly and nice . Helped my family out in the worst of times . So if this hurricane hits I just want you all to know we here in the Bronx are praying for all you . You all are amazing people and I hope all your family and friends are all safe . God bless you all
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