Kind of a blind wait and see situation once again today, similar to Tues/Wed... CAMS are of no help, as most wanted to turn the ND/SD MCS into a ranging derecho today, and didn’t really have the MCS further south across NE/IA. The HRRR did have the southern complex, but has been in insta-kill mode with it, and took it NE into MN. So all guidance is pretty much a toss. As for what’s going on currently, the IA MCS is obviously of focus, and it will be interesting to see if it survives the next 3 hours or so. The environment that it’s in isn’t terrible, but it’s also not the best either (Low shear/modest instability/good moisture/good lapse rates). If it survives, the expected environment for this afternoon across E IA/S WI/N-C IL won’t be really all that better than what it’s currently in this morning. Then you have the ND/SD MCS, which probably won’t turn into a raging derecho as CAMS advertised. It continues to push towards MN, where the environment overall is even worse than what the IA MCS is in currently. Add in the potential issues that will arise if the IA MCS sustains... .