The summary so far is guidance sucked, and an under-performance just about everywhere in every aspect...almost. Only things that seem to be panning out are the high winds and a corridor in MO/IL/IN that did as expected with rainfall. .
Ukie came in with a good hit NE. IL and surrounding areas...warning criteria snows with the main system.
It has been steadfast in it's more east solution for days. Could be a solid victory for it, if it pans out.
Think it's safe to toss the NAM/3KM NAM in regards to just about everything. They are both too overzealous with snow tonight/tomorrow AM in IA/WI. Additionally, they are way further west with the main system snow Sat eve/night.
Trend with 0z guidance thus far is to have that front across N/C. IL tomorrow evening/night to end up further N/NW.
In turn, means less sleet/freezing rain for NE. IL and more rain, due to a later change over.
Paging Alek...