As I mentioned nearly 2 weeks ago, a pattern that featured more cold/snow chances than we seen all winter would be possible/likely to continue, which it has...and it looks likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
The +EPO/+AO/+NAO regime has continued, though an overall toned down version compared to what it once was was. However, as was also mentioned in my last post, EPS was trending towards a bigger +EPO spike for a time, which has come to fruition. We are in that period now, which has been one thing that has aided in the mild/stagnant kind of temp pattern were are in right now, and may lead to the brief spike of even warmer temps this weekend/early next week.
The continued good news is that EPS is in good agreement on having the +EPO relax once again after this current spike, favoring in the vicinity of neutral/or near neutral +/-. The +AO will likely continue, but there are signs the NAO will also favor the vicinity of neutral or so. After a trip into positive territory for a while, the PNA is also expected to return to neutral/low end negative, which should also help things a bit.
Teleconnections will still not be amazing and only so-so, the PV will be of no help yet, and the MJO will still be unfavorable...The pattern for the foreseeable future still does not scream big turn around or sustained winter, but it will continue to be enough to bring continued cold shot potential and snow chance potential, though the lack of a -EPO will keep any cold in check. The bad news is that as was seen with the past three storm systems, it'll be a cluster****.