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Chicago Storm

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Chicago Storm

  1. So much for that...past 24hrs has had the biggest single day case increase thus far. 27,575 cases and 1,134 deaths total now. (+1,842 & +62)
  2. The range has generally been between +1,100 to +1,550 during that 10 day stretch, constantly bouncing around. So definitely not a downward trend, just more-so a leveled off steady increase.
  3. Still the same leveled steady increases each day, with both cases and deaths. Sun: 20,852 cases and 720 deaths total. (+1,293 & +81) Mon: 22,025 cases and 794 deaths total. (+1,173 & +74) Tue: 23,247 cases and 868 deaths total. (+1,222 & +74) Wed: 24,593 cases and 948 deaths total. (+1,346 & +80) Thur: 25,733 cases and 1,072 deaths total. (+1,140 & +125)
  4. Indeed. Hoping to make a run at 6", to bookend the season with 6"+ events.
  5. This definitely ended up north of guidance for IL/IN/MI/OH portion. Best band currently runs from E IA-N IL-S MI. This should have been much further south. .
  6. Up to 4.0” here. Had moved into a bit of a lull, but better returns about to move in once again. .
  7. And you got all worked up with the non-sense HRRR for nothing. .
  8. You were always gonna be right with that call. I know at least the NAM had a good 850-fronto signal up north for a period of time. .
  9. It’s been ripping here. 2.2” thus far. .
  10. All guidance is doing horrific in the OAX CWA currently. Several 3-7" reports in the OMA area, and still a while to go with good snows. Euro appears to be the closest, as it had 6" extending west from IA, and towards the OMA area. HRRR has failed the worst, as many runs had only 1-2" for the OMA area.
  11. If we see 6" totals that far east (Obviously depends on how quickly things dampen with east extent), I would say into S Cook Co.
  12. And it's high confidence optimistic that it ends up a bit north of most guidance too.
  13. You're golden for now. Any bump north could be no bueno.
  14. I'm actually on-board with the thought that it ends up further north than some guidance shows.
  15. Already 2-6” of snow overnight in S. IA with the lead wave. 20” definitely within the realm of possibility there now. .
  16. Probably, but questionable on how much. Going to be nice FGEN and strong LLJ aiming into that region, just as the wave is maxed out. .
  17. 0z NAM with nearly 20" in S IA.
  18. 12km went one way, 3km the other.
  19. Finished with 1.4" here last night/this morning.
  20. One of those are a 50 car pile-up on 90. .
  21. 2-4” reports in QC area. Talk about over-performer, and further north than shown too. .
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