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Chicago Storm

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Chicago Storm

  1. 62MPH wind gust at MDW. TDWR suggests 70-75MPH winds just west of MDW.
  2. I had my fill of tropical showers in FL. High wind/tor potential or pass.
  3. Slight risk can probably be dropped in the region with the 20z outlook. Afternoon/evening threat looks to be significantly hindered by widespread clouds and ongoing activity. Overnight threat is still there, but looks marginal. .
  4. Hopefully the SPC isn’t dumb enough to actually go 10% tor for anywhere in the region today. .
  5. Not really sure why we needed a new thread for severe. That’s a big chunk of the other thread. .
  6. 9z RAP with 50-55kt at 950mb this evening, with mixing to above that. .
  7. Compared to remnants events, yea. But this is looking like the standard 40-55mph locally higher type of event we see at least once every spring/fall.
  8. The few soundings I had looked at were not as great as a day ago. In regards to getting the goods to the surface, that is.
  9. 90 at ORD today. 91 at MDW and here. .
  10. The bullish Euro has backed off on the winds, and is falling more in line with the rest of the pack. Looking more likely we end up with a usual 40-55mph wind event, locally higher. There does appear to be some tor threat, but greatest will be much further S and SE. .
  11. Definitely looking more and more likely that this will be something many of us have not seen around these parts, re: post-TC high/sig winds.
  12. 92 here yesterday. Was cooler at ORD and MDW due to the lake breeze. 91 here today, and 89 at ORD and MDW, where thicker cirrus held on a bit longer.
  13. A repeat of that shifted up this way would be perfect. .
  14. Winds increased here on the backside of that activity as well. Likely was a weak wake low, especially given radar velo presentation.
  15. ORD broke the record with a high of 94. MDW also hit 94, and 95 here. .
  16. For around here it looks like mostly a miss north for tonight, and then a miss south for tomorrow. .
  17. Record for Chicago is “only” 92 (1944). It would probably be likely in play, but given ORD sensor issues, might be harder to attain than usual. .
  18. The ‘rona is old news. Riot watch now. .
  19. Next week/next weekend alone will ensure it’s not a dry month. .
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