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Chicago Storm

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Chicago Storm

  1. Rapid saturation occuring as the heaviest returns begin to move in. Down to about 650ft on KLOT now.
  2. Just was looking at that actually. HRRR is very close, and the NAM is a bit too bullish. Shall see how things evolve though.
  3. The mixing issue is just one of many issues it has. Being overly dry and well too far north on placement of the heaviest QPF are also big issues. The NAM is a complete toss, and that’s an understatement. .
  4. It’s not going to mean too much, given ample advection from the southwest. Virga and top down saturation has already started into DVN and ILX CWA’s. .
  5. Toss the NAM. It’s still having sig dry air issues...among other issues.
  6. The 0.2” on the 24th was eventually added back in. .
  7. One thing that will fight that is the main plume/band of precip will be heavier and convective. .
  8. It bumped south again. The para GFS also bumped south. Just another nod for the more southern guidance. .
  9. The difference isn’t all in the thermals with the UKMET/GEM/RGEM vs others though. They are further south altogether with the wave and QPF axis. .
  10. GEM continues to hold firm on wave 1, with the UKMET not too far off. The GFS/Euro continue to bump south each run. .
  11. The GFS has been bumping south each run, and the UKMET was in similar range of the GEM. .
  12. Fantasy HRRR, but not far off the GEM solution. .
  13. Only goes to 90hrs, but aloft would suggest it would end up potential south of 12z. More ridging ahead of the closing off wave, however like the GFS, the northern stream is pressing in more across Canada. .
  14. It has to do with the pattern further north. The wave ends up shearing out to the east.
  15. It won't matter if the system is as significant as modeled.
  16. Fairly large bump south coming from the Euro for Tue/Wed lead wave.
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