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Chicago Storm

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Chicago Storm

  1. There most definitely would be enhancement, even in a marginal setup. .
  2. MSU remote sensing suggests 42 is the mid-lake max. Probably more reasonable. .
  3. Not really a drying trend. Mostly due to a bit more spread. .
  4. They have for a while now, but it’s pay only. .
  5. Most definitely will end up a bit south due to that. .
  6. 6z Euro only goes to 90hrs, but would end up similar to 0z. .
  7. 0z GEFS range from a suppressed non-event, to a congrats OMA-LSE. Probably the best they’ve looked yet. .
  8. It does, which is partially due to the 1st wave ejecting out and interacting with the northern wave. .
  9. Big difference is that it now ejects out most of the 1st wave, which leads to other slight changes. Looks like this is what the potential will hinge on, and we should know how that’ll end up by tomorrow night. .
  10. 0z GEM went the opposite direction, and looks similar to 0z GFS. .
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