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Chicago Storm

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Chicago Storm

  1. South trend on 12z guidance has continued on 0z guidance. .
  2. Finished with 4.0” here (Naperville), and 6.0” at ex-here (Streamwood). .
  3. Failed to mention this before, but for those keeping score... "Here" became Naperville as of mid-November. Still will have OBS from "Ex-here" at times though.
  4. As of now the UKMET the is furthest south and the GFS is the furthest north, out of OP guidance. .
  5. Showing up well on TMKE too, all of the way up to Sheboygan. .
  6. Lake enhancement showing up in WI, around Manitowoc and vicinity. .
  7. Had periods of SN to +SN through the night, and am over 3” here thus far. .
  8. you beat me by minutes. consider us lucky. .
  9. Everyone was having concerns over the snow measurements at ORD for this event, and most of the snow has largely avoided there thus far.
  10. Something started falling from the sky about an hour ago.
  11. Another wave that will peak west, and then shear/weaken as it pushes east...And that is actually due in part to the northern lobe in Canada for the current event, which ends up off the East Coast for the weekend event.
  12. Definitely will under-perform what guidance showed, unless something surprises in the next few hours. Luckily, lower end of NWS forecast should work out that way.
  13. Big red flag out west with a lot of areas are under-performing model guidance, quite significantly. Most guidance had 12-18" across N Kansas into SE Nebraska, and NWS had 8-18" range across this area. As of now it looks like there will be no more than 8" in N Kansas. Well under guidance, and barely making the forecast range.
  14. wut? The Euro has had a solid event too, along with many EPS.
  15. Corridor of 6-7" totals in SE NE, east of Hastings. That area will end up being the winner out that way.
  16. same amount of maps as there are comments, prior to this one.
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