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Chicago Storm

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Chicago Storm

  1. Definitely will have to expand that north and east with time.
  2. 15:1 is easily a lowball with the depth of the DGZ. 20:1 is a good starting point. .
  3. There are only two main threads. Should be easy to tell the difference between the 6-7th and 8-9th. .
  4. Need to start sharing the 24hr totals, so the other events are not included. .
  5. Still going to be receiving several inches between now and Wed. After Wed, CAD sets in for a time. .
  6. gonna be up a lot by Wed. the rebound continues. .
  7. 3km is Euro-like, with a widespread 2-4” event. .
  8. Ride the Euro... Easily has been the most consistent. .
  9. 2.4” ORD, 2.9” MDW and 1.6” RFD with this event. .
  10. 6z Euro back wetter again, with 2-4” event across good portion of N and C IL. .
  11. 18z Euro does not go out far enough to cover the event in this thread. However, it was still high on the Saturday potential, for the other thread. .
  12. Should be gaps in between main events now, so should prevent it from becoming an issue. .
  13. HRRR onboard too, and still snowing as well... .
  14. Numerous reports of 40-55MPH wind gusts across N and C IL this evening.
  15. RAP is in range. Still snowing across all of IL and into IN/MI... .
  16. After the initial push of +SN about 2 hours ago, there had been a lull with generally lighter/spotty activity. +SN has since moved back in now, with a solid area of SN/+SN set to move through. .
  17. Has been snow the entire time here thus far, with a period of +SN already. Few tenths of accumulation thus far.
  18. Some of the most widespread TSSN you'll see around here...
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