Another thing that never happens any longer are MillerA's where most of my snow came from. I can remember many times the local weatherman talking about a storm forming in the NE GOM that was going to intensify off GA and it was common to have gale and even storm warnings along the coast 3 or 4 times a winter. They never happen now. One of my best memories was of a storm back around the late 60's. I was coming home from 7th grade on the bus and it started as rain and quickly went tosleet then snow and we got 3 inches before the rain. Overnight the wind was howling at 50+ and around 3 am the wind switched to NNE. I was watching the kitchen window for the sleet to start hitting the window. Soon it was pouring huge snowflakes and we got another 3 inches. Those type storms were common, now they never happen.