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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. too bad hail doesn't count as snow but that doesn't mean it can't be treated as such by winter sports enthusiasts ;-) I wonder how long it stayed on the ground?
  2. I was just going to post some stuff about wintry events of the past that I just remembered. There seems to be a boundary that sets up just SE of Oceanside in many borderline events. Example- in March 1993, the "Superstorm"- Oceanside got 10-11 inches of snow, like NYC/JFK got, but if you drove east of there totals quickly dropped- Massapequa only got 6 inches. Another one was the big ice storm in Jan 1994 where we got 2 inches of ZR! Just east of here the temps rose above freezing during the storm while we stayed below freezing the whole time! In the VD 2008 storm, a similar thing happened (albeit on a smaller scale) where we stayed below freezing during the entire event while Freeport and Long Beach rose well above freezing. We even had an event in Feb 2010 when we got 5" of a very wet snow while it was raining in Long Beach! Even when temps are well below freezing throughout the area, we seem to do better in el ninos- in the Feb 1983 storm, we had close to 2 feet of snow while NYC only had 18" In Jan 2016, our big one, we had 30 inches of snow while areas east and south of us had less. And who can forget PD2, where we also got in on 24+ totals!
  3. I also want to know how strong that tornado was that kept the British from overrunning DC in 1812!
  4. 1966 although I wasn't born then was one of my favorite years- went from hot and dry to a snowy prolonged winter! JFK hit 104 and LGA hit 107 (hottest city temp on record and the record for the metro area until EWR hit 108 in July 2011), see we were hotter than NYC even back then
  5. Parts of Fla (including Miami!) have hit 100 degrees and have 110 heat indices!
  6. lol NYC 4 degrees cooler than JFK. Move that equipment! It hit 90 here yesterday.
  7. lol JFK may reach 100 before Central Park does. No one cares about Central Park anymore anyway, it doesn't reflect NYC weather in any way. I dont know why the media ever uses them anymore, they should just use LGA which is far more reflective of urban NYC. I wish the NWS would send a bulletin to the media to tell them to stop using Central Park numbers. All we get now is Lee Goldberg telling us that the wind and temp reports from Central Park are not representative of the area- but he keeps on quoting them and the highs and lows there. Either that or move the Central Park equipment out into the Sheep Meadow (or set up duplicate equipment there and just use their numbers and only keep the original equipment for historical purposes) or some other open area lol. No one really cares about weather continuity from the 1800s anymore anyway, we all know the climate was far different back then.
  8. I bet the south shore of Long Island in Nassau County stays dry- we haven't had much rain at all since the first day of summer.
  9. the high humidity is horrible, I've had my a/c on 12 hours a day the last few.
  10. well for Central Park and JFK, they may be stuck at 1 90 degree day for awhile.
  11. Yea it was being called a hail glacier. I remember this happened a few years ago in the mountains in Mexico too. Not this extreme though. I wonder what the actual amount of hail that fell was? I take it this is the hail equivalent of drifting, so it was like they had 5-6 ft drifts lol.
  12. Wow that's really interesting- I was wondering why we were warmer than JFK! Too bad this doesn't translate to rain/snow/mix lines in the winter though
  13. Anyone hear about the crazy five feet of hail that fell in Mexico? Guadelajara I think?
  14. Is this going to be more borderline hot weather where we barely make it into the low 90s? Offshore winds so low humidity again? Except for Saturday which was horrible.
  15. the northeast needs to have more a/c too the pac nw also doesn't have enough
  16. Even London and the rest of the UK do you think?
  17. We get this way sometimes, sea breezes are far more fragile than rain/snow lines unless the wind is pretty strong. I had 90 degrees or over all four days- 90-93-90-93 The humidity was the worst today.
  18. Excellent account. BTW we hit 90 here, I dont know why JFK lagged behind. There was a NW wind and temps definitely hit 90 on the south shore.
  19. Was the derecho the bigger deal or the F2 tornado that hit close by? By the way I am still a bit confused of the F scale vs the EF scale, why did they not simply reassign the old F scale numbers and retain the name instead of categorizing older tornadoes with an obsolete scale that no longer exists? Like the way they changed the SS scale for hurricanes they could have changed the mph ranges for the F scale instead of having to create a whole new scale, and then the F scale could apply to both old and new tornadoes.
  20. I want that too, if we had a few things fall into place we could have actually had that in 09-10 and 10-11. I read about a couple of 100" NYC/PHL winters from back in the early and mid 1800s in the Pennsylvania Weather Book.
  21. by the way did you see the data showing how - nao are vastly more common in spring than winter? I wonder why that is.
  22. and if things go according to form, we'll have a raging + NAO come winter.
  23. the next time we see the sun it'll be in its red giant stage
  24. thats good, less expensive electronic equipment damage for me! I cant wait for this wet pattern to end, I hate living in a tropical rain forest, my house is literally sweating
  25. its even more amazing when that happens while its snowing!
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