I was just going to post some stuff about wintry events of the past that I just remembered. There seems to be a boundary that sets up just SE of Oceanside in many borderline events. Example- in March 1993, the "Superstorm"- Oceanside got 10-11 inches of snow, like NYC/JFK got, but if you drove east of there totals quickly dropped- Massapequa only got 6 inches. Another one was the big ice storm in Jan 1994 where we got 2 inches of ZR! Just east of here the temps rose above freezing during the storm while we stayed below freezing the whole time! In the VD 2008 storm, a similar thing happened (albeit on a smaller scale) where we stayed below freezing during the entire event while Freeport and Long Beach rose well above freezing. We even had an event in Feb 2010 when we got 5" of a very wet snow while it was raining in Long Beach!
Even when temps are well below freezing throughout the area, we seem to do better in el ninos- in the Feb 1983 storm, we had close to 2 feet of snow while NYC only had 18" In Jan 2016, our big one, we had 30 inches of snow while areas east and south of us had less. And who can forget PD2, where we also got in on 24+ totals!