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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. They already screwed up the data set by moving it in 1996 I was talking about it in my previous posts. I also remember a tangible change in Central Park's rankings compared to the other stations beginning after 1995. Now I see their temps are often lower than JFK's (and lower than the south shore of Nassau county) in the summer. I loved this rain we got! I thought it was supposed to rain until 4 am though. Oh well, at least we got close to an inch! I wonder when we'll get another rain like this?
  2. Wasn't there a September in the 80s that was really hot? 1983 I think. That entire year was really hot and rainy! Wow 1980 and 1983 really stand out for consistent heat in the above list.
  3. Tree ring temperature measurements aren't anywhere near as accurate as meteorological equipment- I'd bet their margin of error is more than 2-3 degrees. Tree rings are used more to differentiate different climate eras rather than measure actual temperatures. In any case, moving the equipment means older data from when the station first got established can not be used- so the only scientific way to do it is to begin record keeping from 1996- the year in which the equipment was moved.
  4. Chris, any idea why they moved it? That right there means they cant go back to look at data from before since the new location breaks the consistency of over 100 years of record keeping
  5. How is the ocean doing this now- the waters are much warmer now. We did get close to an inch of rain in SW Nassau
  6. Yes lately we've been getting our hot weather on a wind that comes off the ocean, back in 2013 JFK actually recorded a 100 when Central Park did not. We haven't seen that kind of summer here lately.
  7. ugh not that dry, dew points have been 70 and above here on a regular basis, and one day near 80!
  8. They are more realistic because actual summer weather began around June 21, the solstice. Also, our Septembers are often very warm to hot and I wouldn't be surprised if we had a few 90s right up to the equinox.
  9. Whats the probability of a regionwide 100 degrees in July this year, Don?
  10. It was 91 here today on the south shore without any sun, it was really hazy I think from all those fires in Manitoba.
  11. Why is it that we have all these 75+ dew points but it doesn't translate to heavy rain- even when a front moves through? If the moisture isn't being wrung out with rain, where does the humidity go?
  12. I hope our geoengineers build some sort of dehumidifier within a few decades that will suck up all this excessive humidity.
  13. Do you think anything will be left of that storm in 10 days, Chris? As for the slow moving storm, that seems to be part of our new climate, as it's been a repeating pattern for several years now.
  14. But it's also not a valid comparison because all other cities use airports, why on Earth do we use a park? Also why was the sensor moved in 1996 and why doesn't NWS move the sensor back to the old location? There seems to be some laziness going on over there.....
  15. its not a valid scientific comparison. When all the other data uses airports, having New York City use a park thats overfoliated makes it an apples to oranges comparison- it simply doesn't work. The data is flawed in the sense that the ASOS there does not adhere to policies that the equipment has to be a certain distance away from foliage. The ridiculous aspect of all this is Central Park was 5 degrees cooler than JFK even when JFK had a strong southerly wind (a sea breeze.) It just isn't valid for a variety of reasons. If everyone else uses an airport, New York City must use airport data too.
  16. JFK must have felt a lot hotter than either LGA or the Park since the DP was near 80 there!
  17. Well we certainly beat that today! The last I checked JFK had a DP of 78! Did they get to 80?
  18. Man the closest we came is July 2011 which was amazing in itself! EWR reached 108, the Park got to 104 and it was 103 at JFK! My thermo on the south shore of Long Island recorded a blazing 105.8!
  19. Do you think it's possible with our climate changing to one of more heat and moisture that we might actually stabilize with the number of highs we have in the 90s and temps of 100 or above might become a once in a decade occurrence? Instead of what the climate models have been predicting which is something like an average of 3 per year by 2050? In that case perhaps we should change how we measure heat to mean days with a dew point of 75 or higher? This is becoming like Florida, which also rarely gets 100 degree days, but certainly has a lot of high humidity.
  20. whats the largest size hail we've had in our part of Nassau County? I was overseas in Europe one year in the 90s and when I came back I was told that a car dealership in Hewlett had many of their cars windshields destroyed because of large hail. I dont remember the exact year, but it was in the summer (June or July) in 1994 I think?
  21. it was easier to tolerate because it was less humid back then. Heck you dont even have to look that far back. 1999 and 2010 were easier to tolerate because the humidity was less back then too. Plus seeing the thermo hit 100 was quite fun! Notice the 11 year pattern with our hot/dry summers? Perhaps they will return in 2021.....
  22. your spot seems to be the best for radiational cooling in the winter for Nassau County and retains snowcover exceptionally well!
  23. Read that them having 5 straight days of 85+ would be like NYC having 5 straight days of 101+
  24. it actually feels worse when you have temps in the 80s with high humidity vs low 90s and low humidity. I notice I use my a/c far more in the former conditions. High humidity is really hard to tolerate especially because it causes air pollutants to remain close to the ground and causes breathing difficulties and heightens allergies and asthma. Temps staying up at night because of that is also a big problem. When JFK gets a sea breeze and is in the low 80s vs LGA in the low or mid 90s people look at that and think, wow JFK and the south shore is so lucky! I wish they'd see the dew points and think again, yesterday LGA was 91 degrees with a dew point of 54 while JFK was 84 with a dew point of 72- YUCK! This looks like a 1996-type summer to me as of right now.
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