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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. We had severe wx in our area a couple weeks after the blizzard of 1996....
  2. One of these years we'll see a TC develop right in our own backward and curve westward right into C NJ.
  3. 1983 was amazing for both temps and humidity, I wonder if we're going to see summers like that become more common.
  4. early fall, got to love it! perfect for that meteor shower and asteroid close call this weekend!
  5. Still not as hot as 2010-13, we will probably be up there again starting either next summer or definitely the summer after that (2021), 2021 should be the apex summer for the decade since it follows the 11 year cycle.
  6. wow Boston had a hotter July than either of you, and their hottest on record, around 78.5 avg temp.
  7. and even early October! Fall began around October 15th last year
  8. Don, looks like Boston had their hottest July on record? 78.5 avg temp?
  9. Thanks, Victoria is right on the water I believe so that might be more equivalent to a southern UK beach location. London and Seattle are more equivalent as you said. I wonder what Paris and its outlandish 109 degrees equates to? Portland, Oregon? https://localreviews.knoji.com/10-alltime-hottest-weather-temperature-days-in-portland/ They reached 107 multiple times, so it's pretty close to 109. Most people do not associate the city of Portland with hot weather, but it can get hot here. The hottest temperature ever recorded in Portland, Oregon is 107 degrees, which occurred on August 10, 1981, August 8, 1981 and July 30, 1965. https://www.currentresults.com/Yearly-Weather/USA/OR/Portland/extreme-annual-portland-high-temperature.php These records were observed near downtown Portland and go back to 1875. Thehighest temperature measured during that time was 107 degrees Fahrenheit (42 Celsius) on August 10, 1981 plus earlier days that month, and on July 2, 1942.
  10. Thanks for the data, has Vancouver (Victoria) reached 100?
  11. Yes they should have someone there 24/7 to protect it. I wonder if there's a way to permanently mount it so it can never be moved? Once they get it back to where it used to be, of course.
  12. It's the only time London has reached triple digits I think? I wonder if that's equivalent to Seattle hitting 100!
  13. Our longest heat wave ever was like that- 1954 I think? 14 day heat wave that peaked over 100 twice, in late August and in early September- set the all time September record at 102!
  14. The extreme temps in 2011 show that it's indeed possible to have historic heat waves in the middle of a very wet year.
  15. Don does this correlate to another extreme heat wave for us during the summer? How does that kind of heat compare to some of our historic heat waves?
  16. Ticks and mosquitoes spread disease so they need to be controlled. With the warmer weather we now have three dangerous tick species in our area- one of which spreads an allergy to red meat! We now also have West Nile back in our area, I've noticed this often happens in our hottest summers, going back to 1999.
  17. Don, did London hit 100? The heat over in Europe is incredible- I heard that even the Netherlands was well above 100, as was Germany! Paris, of course, takes the cake- they almost hit 110!
  18. Got to 100 here on the south shore, might not happen again this year
  19. Thats a real shame. Instead of moving the equipment, maybe they should have fenced off part of the park with barbed wire and electric fencing and made it inaccessible to the public.
  20. So the real reason for moving the equipment was to stop the vandalism?
  21. Indeed- we reached 100 here and I'm a few miles east of JFK and dont get the bay influence here.
  22. what is there all time heat index record? I assume it's from 2011?
  23. Did you have it set up in 2010 and 2011? In 2010 we exceeded 100 on three days and in 2011 we reached 104!
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