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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. sure isn't, and I didn't even get to the part about the drinking water, it's beyond contaminated. When drinking tap water I have to leave the water running for 30 minutes to an hour to not get stomach cramps. I had a filter put in and that didn't help either. So now what I do is leave the kitchen faucet running for an hour, fill up a bunch of water bottles and put them in the fridge and drink from those, rinse and repeat lol. water pressure is pretty low too, but that's a small problem compared to not being able to drink it. hot water is fine, it's the cold water that suffers from low pressure- down to drops at times.
  2. Does JFK have a lot more 75+ dew point days compared to LGA, NYC and EWR the last couple of years, Chris?
  3. That might be it, I haven't done that in years. Ironic thing is when I put in the a/c's the allergies go away in the rooms that have a/c in them, but then I get these terrible head aches and sinus infections.
  4. I was wondering if the warming in September was getting pushed back, because it seems like temps will drop into the low 70s after Labor Day weekend? I have strong doubts that JFK or Long Island sees any more 90 degree days this year, especially since we only had 1 of them in August.
  5. a/c all year? My health has gotten worse during the summer in recent years, I'm fine with the dry heat we had in the early 2010s, but the recent years of high humidity have had made it more difficult to breathe unless I head for the mountains, and I've been on antibiotics multiple times in the last two years especially for some sort of infection that only seems to strike in the summer. That's along with the allergy issues that seem to be getting worse and lasting all during the warm season now.
  6. that's why we're in the middle of our sixth mass extinction, but look at it this way, if humanity goes extinct, or even if there is some major natural calamity because of our excesses that cuts back humanity to a more manageable level, the rest of the planet will be FAR better off.
  7. running out of oxygen isn't the problem, as even a 20% loss in oxygen keeps the atmosphere as approximately 16%, so in reality that's a 4% loss over the normal 20%.... the issue is, habitat destruction and human overpopulation, and the fact that a predominately meat based diet isn't environmentally sustainable nor is it healthy, In that article they mentioned the oceans, and yet neglected to bring up the fact that there are large dead zones showing up because of chemical pesticide and fertilizer run off and pollution from plastics and what effects those have on marine ecosystems.
  8. Not on this scale, and the real "propaganda" is what's being spread by their duplicitous so-called "president" and why they are being called to the mat by the rest of the world.
  9. it got overcast here around 7, so maybe thats why he thought the sun was going down earlier
  10. the Amazon doesn't just affect them it affects their bordering countries which are now also on fire as well as the rest of the world. The threat to the entire planet is a lot more than what artificially defined borders would dictate. If you dont want to do it militarily, you can isolate them by embargoing the hell out of them and banning companies from doing business with Brazil and banning their products. Like we are doing with China. We already tell other nations what to do for far less reasons than this. To get a scope of how much is getting burned, it's equal to the amount of land in the US between Los Angeles and Detroit! That's a lot more than most can comprehend.
  11. a microburst then? either way, the damage was a lot more than 60 mph winds produce.
  12. whats causing most of the heat to be on that side of the globe this year? could London and Paris hit 100+ again?
  13. JFK's only 90 degree day in August- and the last for the year? That doesn't even begin to cover how humid it's been and the humidity is definitely way worse than the heat!
  14. Chris how much wind is required to do this much damage? Was it a microburst? That 60 mph report doesn't seem to be enough- you didn't see stuff like this even in Sandy. I estimate the wind must have been 100 mph. And these are pics of my sister's house after the microburst I told you about. How strong could the winds have been there to do this?
  15. I've heard that pets are dying from drinking pond water or even just swimming in it. PS the tap water here isn't healthy to drink anymore. I made the mistake of doing that earlier in the summer and I was immediately suffering from horrible cramps. Tried it again last week, same result. The pain was so intense that I was bent over while running to the bathroom both times. It happened to me last summer too. Not going to drink tap water anymore during the summer.
  16. Yea he is Trump lite. At some point, we need to realize that the Amazon is WAY more important than the nation of Brazil or any other country for that matter. There should be an international environmental corps with muscle that steps in and prevents them from doing this, regardless of what Brazil's "leader" says.... that also applies to Trump and what he's been doing to endangered species and drilling on public lands. Keep in mind that I'm not talking about eliminating meat completely, but lessening it to about 10% of the diet, which would benefit us environmentally as well as healthwise (see ACA and AHA recommendations.) You're right about overpopulation and densely populated cities being a problem, that increases pollution (see rising asthma rates and the health impact of light pollution as well as toxic waste) and frankly, too high of a population growth rate in developing nations in Africa is more of a problem than poachers are. We are in the middle of a mass extinction right now because humanity is seizing land that should be set aside for nature, not to mention other problems that go along with this issue, like climate change and plastic in the oceans. Studies have shown that the best way to reduce climate change is to have one less child. That reduces our carbon footprint faster than anything else does.
  17. ranchers and loggers are trying to clear the forest for their own use, ignoring the fact that the Amazon provides about 20% of the oxygen we breathe
  18. Either way, the consumption of meat has to lessen (both for the environment and for our health.) Land use is a major issue. Going on the climate change train.... emission of methane from herd animals as a whole accounts for more greenhouse gas emissions than any nation in the world besides China and the US. And as China and India are "developing" they are adopting more of the unhealthy Western diet and consuming more meat.
  19. too much consumption of meat is widely known to be a health as well as environmental issue. If everyone consumed as much meat as America does, the world would have ran out of fresh water back in 2005. Keep in mind that I'm not talking about eliminating meat completely, but lessening it to about 10% of the diet, which would benefit us environmentally as well as healthwise (see ACA and AHA recommendations.) You're right about overpopulation and densely populated cities being a problem, that increases pollution (see rising asthma rates and the health impact of light pollution as well as toxic waste) and frankly, too high of a population growth rate in developing nations in Africa is more of a problem than poachers are. We are in the middle of a mass extinction right now because humanity is seizing land that should be set aside for nature, not to mention other problems that go along with this issue, like climate change and plastic in the oceans. Studies have shown that the best way to reduce climate change is to have one less child. That reduces our carbon footprint faster than anything else does. Just look at the fires in the Amazon- who started them? Cattle ranchers and loggers. They should be in prison for life for doing that.
  20. We havent hit 90 in August until now. It doesn't matter though, mid 80s with dew points in the upper 70s is a lot worse than 90s with dry heat. Hell, it feels worse than even 100 degrees with dry heat.
  21. I'd rather have more heat and less humidity The water here on Long Island is awful, we're seeing a lot of health problems from the rise in infections due to bacteria in the water. We also have new species of ticks that have come here and carry infections. What puzzles me is that although the humidity has been really high here, the summer has still been rather dry in SW Nassau. Things are starting to turn yellow. Why isn't all that humidity precipitating?
  22. It was great but all the flooding rain that happened after it caused massive problems including roof collapses and power outages. I was amazed to see how quickly the pattern changed but equally amazed to see it go back to cold and snowy at the end of the month! A month after the big blizzard we had our next big snowstorm of a foot!
  23. Did you see the new UN report about how the way we use land is destroying our environment (we need to switch to a 90% vegetable based diet and stop using so much land for animal grazing) as well as how the destruction of the Amazon rain forest is going to turn that area into a savannah with drought conditions? There was 11 million gallons of ice meltage on land in Greenland in one day, with 35 million gallons in the month of July. A thousand year old glacier in Iceland that used to be 20 miles long melted entirely. Sea levels have been rising a half inch per month, I wonder if that will accelerate with all this ice melt going on in Greenland and Antarctica. I wonder if summers like 1983 will become much more common for us.
  24. I was thinking we would be in a higher than normal likelihood for a TC near the coast with that high to our NE. Chris, do you have any info on a microburst hitting Jim Thorpe/Penn Forest township in E PA and how strong the winds might have been? Nothing was on the news, even there, but my sister lives there and she said a ton of trees came down on her property last Thursday night and there was no power for 10 hours. The trees that came down were large oaks that were over 100 years old, but the damage was isolated to her side of the street. There was no damage on the other side of the street or at lower elevations (she lives on a mountain that overlooks Jim Thorpe.)
  25. I think Long Island was hit by a tornado in January... one of those early morning warm front deals
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