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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. its amazing that it was the longest heat wave and yet occurred so late in the season!
  2. thanks, Chris, was 1983 their latest 90 and 100 degree days?
  3. Dec 1992 caused a lot more damage because it lasted for 3 days. March 2010 had stronger winds here, but was of much shorter duration.
  4. and we haven't since, that thing lasted for 3 days!
  5. On this solemn day, one of my early weather memories was the extreme heat on 9/11/83..... I think JFK hit 100 that day? Was that their latest 100 on record? NYC hit 99, and I think that was their latest 99?
  6. central park lagging behind, I dont think JFK even got out of the low-mid 80s, but it was really humid and uncomfortable here, I had the a/c on
  7. we probably wont have another historically hot summer until 2021 (you know why), what I mean is dry heat with rainfall under 3" for each summer month, like 2010.
  8. I love these storms, it's just like having a noreaster! This is a lot better than what happened (or didn't happen) on Wednesday!
  9. it was below zero last Thanksgiving in the Poconos!
  10. The storm lasted like 15 min here and then we got a rainbow and it's bright, sunny and hot again. What's all this talk of hail and waterspouts?
  11. it rained here hard for about an hour and now the sun is coming back out lol.... waiting for the Yankee game to start!
  12. JFK hit 90 on 10/9/07, that was the latest I've experienced it and the only one in October. Was that their latest (and only) in October too?
  13. the weird thing though is when I drive from Manhattan into Queens, my car thermometer always spikes up around the Grand Central and the temps fall back down again when I get on the Van Wyck. Northern Queens seems to be hotter in the summer than any other part of the city and even hotter than NE NJ (like the area near the Lincoln Tunnel.) The area from the Midtown Tunnel to the Grand Central is the hottest part of the metro from what I've experienced. When I get down by JFK, the temps are several degrees lower.
  14. I thought JFK hit 91 in August, their 1 90 degree day that month. Do you think we should start defining "hot" as days with a heat index of 90+ to include humidity?
  15. Did anyone see northern lights this weekend? We supposedly had a great display
  16. looks like some rain and wind on Friday? going to have a noreaster feel to it with temps in the 60s yay
  17. Yeah, News 12 has had a lot of stories about it. Pesticides in the water, and the e coli issue in Long Beach. We're getting seepage from farm chems into the water supply. TBH since I started taking amoxicillin and the weather cooled down, a lot of my issues have come to an end- but I hate having to take it multiple times a year, like I do with benadryl. I'm on Day 10 of my current amoxicillin treatment. I live off of Ocean Avenue, near the border between Lynbrook, East Rockaway and Oceanside.
  18. I look at summers like 2010 very fondly, I love dry heat, not this humid crap! I dont like the non native bugs that are finding their way here either
  19. Yeah, we didn't even see that in 1993. I think the last time we hit 90 that year (the 39th time, which tied the record from 1991, was on Sept 15, on my bday lol, with Hurricane Emily, a Cat 3, off the NC coast.) We might have hit 90 later than that in 1991, I forget, I think it was somewhere between the 21st and 24th? 1983 was the champion of long lasting heat and humidity and the previous record holder- we had a really hot September that year, hitting 99 or 100 in September (on 9/11 I think) and 95 as late as the 21st and our last 90 that year was around the 24th or 25th. Latest 90 I can remember was in a year that wasn't even that hot, 2007, when we hit 90 at JFK on October 9th or 10th. The only time it ever hit 90 here in October. That year we hit 70 on the 11th anniversary of the Jan 1996 blizzard in early Jan, and 90 in the first half of October. But we had a cold second half of winter with inches of ice and sleet events instead of snow. Really strange year. Typically we switch to a true fall pattern in the third week of September, right in time for the equinox.
  20. I have to replace the filter once a year which I do, but the very weak cold water pressure remains- the strange thing is it happens at odd hours. Like the water will be fine at 6 PM but if I get up early at 4 AM the cold water line's very weak- barely dripping. It makes me think someone else in my neighborhood has their sprinklers going at that time and it lowers the water pressure for everyone else? Sometimes it's so bad that the toilet doesn't fill back up after flushing lol. I have a hot water tank, so I think the reason why that one doesn't suffer is because it just takes water from the 50 gallon tank when I run that line.
  21. They are gorgeous, I was thinking of planting some. Can they last through bad winters here, like 2010-11?
  22. That matches up with what I'm seeing in terms of the types of trees people are planting. There's this tree with pink/magenta flowers that one of my neighbors planted that he told me is native to the southeast that he's now able to plant here. And now we have three species of ticks here that are infectious and mosquitoes that spread EEE, a form of encephalitis, not to mention a much longer allergy season?
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