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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. Yes even though that 90 occurred a full week later, this record is far more significant.
  2. Well, on October 2nd we made a new weather memory that superseded the one in 1983.
  3. I find air pollution also steadily getting worse, with higher humidity and asthma rates going up and many more "bad air quality" days then before. I also found this: Air pollution linked to increases in violent criminal behavior More information: Jesse Burkhardt et al. The effect of pollution on crime: Evidence from data on particulate matter and ozone, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.jeem.2019.102267 Jesse Burkhardt et al. The relationship between monthly air pollution and violent crime across the United States, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (2019). DOI: 10.1080/21606544.2019.1630014 Jesse D. Berman et al. Acute Air Pollution Exposure and the Risk of Violent Behavior in the United States, Epidemiology (2019). DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000001085 Journal information: Epidemiology Provided by Colorado State University https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-09-air-pollution-linked-violent-criminal.html https://phys.org/news/2019-10-exposure-air-pollution-violent-crime.html
  4. I think we experienced some sort of heat burst because the temps actually rose while those storms went off to our east- got really windy as the temps rose too.
  5. I have a feeling that within the next decade we'll have our first 100 degree day in either April or October- I wonder which is more likely ;-) Is this the historic late heat that you said was the one thing we hadn't seen so far? I have to wonder if this had occurred in early September, we could have challenged that 102 record from the 50s. It's disappointing that we had that annoying set up with cool air banked to our NE, otherwise we might have had a historic summer like Baltimore did, lasting all the way to October! I actually liked the lack of rain and all the blue skies, it made my allergies go away!
  6. Would you say this is more rare or an April heatwave like we got in 2002 is more rare (which also peaked at 96 degrees.)
  7. I actually loved September- it's the first time my allergies have been gone since last winter! Clear blue skies and low humidity- perfect weather! If we had rain only a couple times a month and had low humidity and clear skies the rest of the time, I would love that.
  8. The latest 95 and 100 HI I have ever experienced here!
  9. Don, I think we should rank historic heatwaves the same way we rank historic snowstorms. We should develop a NESIS scale for heatwaves that includes extent and extremes (90 and 100 degree days plus deviations from normal). Would this be one of the most anomalous and historic heatwaves? Also, how close did NYC come to experiencing a long duration heatwave? I noticed that for much of the warm season we had cooler air coming in from the NE and the most severe heat was just to our south (Baltimore had a historic number of 90 degree days). Do you think a minor tweak in the indices would have given us what the South got this year? I was shocked, here on the south shore we got to 95 degrees and a 100 heat index- I wonder if that's the latest that's ever happened at JFK?
  10. Chris is this the latest that JFK has had a high of 95 and a heat index of 100?
  11. It hit 95 here on the south shore and the heat index was 100! What I want to know is, is this the latest JFK has ever hit 95 and the latest they ever had a heat index of 100?
  12. I saw Kerry on Face the Nation recently talk about how the Paris accord doesn't go far enough. We need to have two thirds lower emissions by 2030 and achieve net carbon zero by 2050. Car makers are starting to do their part by shifting their production lines to electric and hybrid vehicles but the current administration, which is basically a puppet of the fossil fuel industry is trying to punish them for moving away from fossil fuels.
  13. the subsidization of the fossil fuel industry needs to come to an end and (in a larger issue that also covers the chemical industry and the dangerous additives and pesticides we are exposed to and in our food that are banned by the EU), we need to get dark money out of politics altogether.
  14. The problem is unregulated capitalism which results in oligarchs. The fossil fuel industry is a cartel run by oligarchs. This excellent book by Rachel Maddow outlines the connections between Putin and the fossil fuel industry. You might find this book interesting in how it ties everything together. I'm considering making it the subject of a future podcast. An eye-opening book (Blow Out) was written by Rachel Maddow which shows some of these connections as well as the connection between Russia and the fossil fuel industry. It all makes sense when you consider how lenient Trump has been with the fossil fuel industry and his cozy relationship with Trump. It also makes sense when you think of Russian interference and how Facebook looked the other way when they were being paid in rubles for ads on their site. Companies like Facebook and Google greatly contribute to the problems of dark money in politics- that's why they are allowed to get away with so much invasive behavior (for which they get fined for in the billions by the EU.) https://www.npr.org/2019/10/02/766374077/it-all-ties-rachel-maddow-says-of-oil-and-gas-russia-and-democracy-in-blowout https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/01/magazine/rachel-maddow-trump.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/the-root-of-all-evils-the-fossil-fuel-industry-says-rachel-maddow/2019/10/03/14273cd6-de1a-11e9-8dc8-498eabc129a0_story.html And since this ties in with Russian oligarchs, this is a worthy read too. https://bulletin.represent.us/u-s-oligarchy-explain-research/ https://bulletin.represent.us/american-government-isnt-democracy/
  15. well astronauts can definitely see the effects of climate change, Mark Kelly talked about how he's seen the planet turning brown because of deforestation, and where is all that burning carbon going? the sky
  16. MSNBC has a great series on the climate catastrophe. They interviewed a scientist who used to work for the USDA, who has since left to work for Columbia university because the administration wouldn't let him publish his research. He showed that more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere actually changes plant metabolism and makes our crops less nutritious, with lower levels of zinc and iron. They also sent people down to Guatemala to show how climate change is causing the mass migration of people from Central America, because they cant grow their crops down there anymore and are starving. The administration's own people told them this a year ago but they chose not to disclose it.
  17. sounds like what a fossil fuel industry person would say. I can guarantee you that other industries, including the automobile industry, see the light and are getting out of the dirty fossil fuel business. The fossil fuel industry has cost us trillions of dollars and killed millions of people.
  18. exactly- we're seeing the rise of tropical diseases already as well as much higher asthma rates and air pollution from fossil fuel emissions. The central of the country is getting hit with much more flooding and loses numbering billions of dollars per year and trillions per decade. corporations are now divesting themselves from the fossil fuel industry- they all know the cost of not doing anything is far greater.
  19. Even John Kerry said that the Paris accord didn't go far enough- we need to reach net Carbon zero by 2050. I think the car companies may get there, they are making far more electric vehicles now and may well reach the goal of two thirds by 2030. The red states are suffering from climate change too, with farms in the nations heartland underwater. We've ceased all new gas and oil installations in NY and I see they've done the same in FL, which is a red state.
  20. Don was that 36 the lowest you could find for our area? I couldn't find anywhere on Long Island that dipped into the 30s. Or Mt Pocono or Toms River for that matter, which are usual cold spots for our region. Don, if we have a warm and dry fall, isn't that a strong indicator for a mild winter with little snowfall? I'm thinking along the lines of 2001-02. I dont see any similarities here with either 2002-03 or 2010-11, which were both big blocking winters, although one was an el nino and the other a la nina.
  21. Wow that beat the 37 at Newburgh! That's frost weather. Do you think Marthas Vineyard, Westhampton Beach, Toms River or Mt Pocono got lower than this?
  22. What was the lowest temp in our area? I saw a 37 at Newburgh (frost?) and a 38 at Monticello. I wonder if Toms River or Westhampton Beach got lower?
  23. Think we beat August 1995 for dryness? That was a perfectly dry month right until the last day..... and notable for its heat and widespread forest fires!
  24. Thats weird- thats the first time I've seen the 1988 heatwave mentioned on a list like this! We didn't hit 100 in 1988 though did we? I remember that the strongest heat in 1988 was off to our west. edit- I saw that was for Newark- I bet the city and long island didn't have that long a streak in 1988.
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