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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. Yep 2014 was the one which disappointed. I thought 2015 wasn't that good there either?
  2. If we didn't have the solar min we definitely would have had widespread 100s this July on 2 days. As it is, we barely missed, even here on the coast.
  3. I think you'd like lower humidity heat better
  4. omg I saw that too! They showed how mammals went from mouse size to wolf size within 300,000 years after the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous! All from eating a legume-based diet. It gave us a window into how life may evolve on other planets too.
  5. it's a banter thread though. Either way i apologize for the harshness anyway my biggest issue with his statement, aside from his obvious lying was the usage of the word "superstorm." It upsets me to no end, some meteorologists use it and it isn't even a meteorology term. The insurance industry also used it as an excuse to try and give lower payments to victims of the storm. I also didn't like how hurricane warnings were dropped just as the storm was about to make landfall. I know we've reformed the system to fix it, but I think we should use the word hurricane for any storm with winds of 75+ mph and use the word tropical hurricane when referring specifically to storms that have a tropical structure. I say this because the word hurricane has a special weight with the public that "storm warning" does not. Also, we have tropical storm warnings and storm warnings, so we should have tropical hurricane warnings and hurricane warnings. In the same vein, we should use the term blizzard warning to refer to any snowstorm that dumps 12 inches or more snow over 24 hours. Winter storm warning is not a strong enough term for these storms. The midwest-style blizzards that are caused more by wind rather than snowfall amounts should get a ground blizzard warning, since they really are ground blizzards.
  6. I hate humidity. Arizona is a lot better (much cleaner air too.) Flagstaff is a light pollution free city! Colorado if you want the best of all worlds (snow, clean air, low humidity, etc.)
  7. If you dont like it, dont read it- it's that simple. I'm more concerned with the word "superstorm." There is no such thing.
  8. As long as he bans more pipelines and fracking, I dont care what he says. The denialist types can move to another state where they get buried in fracking quakes or get blown up in pipeline explosions. I dont like that he said that, but the denialist types are far more ignorant, so he's just communicating to them on their level.
  9. lol Lee Goldberg said the high next Friday will be 44 degrees, that means a guaranteed below freezing low at night, even in the middle of UHI
  10. I also get pretty upset at the cutting down of a tree to put in Rockefeller Center. Why not just put a fake tree there or grow a real tree? I know we've been trying to get rid of UHI pollution by greening up rooftops, it would be nice to see more of the city go green.
  11. Chris, which months in the 2010s have been below normal? Just November?
  12. having a wet milder winter with more snowfall might actually be beneficial to plants like these since snow insulates them from the cold.
  13. I dont know why some people have so much trouble with this concept. It's not hard to see how the industrial revolution has adversely affected the planet on a variety of levels. Patrick Moore puzzles me, he used to be associated with Green Peace. They kicked him out so he has an axe to grind with the planet? He probably isn't well-versed enough in science to know that higher CO2 means plants have less nutritive value- they lose their content of certain minerals that we need- like zinc and iron.
  14. 74 mph gust reported at Stony Brook- is that on an elevated platform again?
  15. Crazy that places like Dallas and San Antonio got their first freeze before we did! Atlanta will likely also.
  16. Crazy that it was +33 in Barrow, Alaska while it was -44 in Utah! Talk about jet stream extremes!
  17. Summer is four months here right now (JJAS) and with the last 80s now occurring in the first half of October, might be expanding into October also.
  18. America is run by large corporations that prey on people's perceptions.
  19. the rise in sea levels and king tides flooding major cities has become pretty consistent. hell, babylon was flooded with the event during the week even though the winds weren't all that strong.
  20. the amount of annual rainfall and higher dew points are going up rapidly too
  21. I saw both Orlando (hit 91 yesterday, a national record) and Miami had their warmest Octobers on record.
  22. The early season storm a year later was much better for us 8"!
  23. Funny thing is I was reading some of those posts just before a large gust took out my power here- for 25 hours!
  24. The storm a year later was similar (but more snow for us), very little on the north shore but 8" from the LIE down to here. LIS is too warm for these early season events.
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