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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. Is it unusual to have rain in Chicago and snow in NYC from the same storm?
  2. If this storm had taken a more favorable track it could have been like the famous early December 2003 two day storm :-( that dumped 20" on Central Long Island and over a foot in the city.
  3. This is the kind of event where the NAM should excel, it's been on a hot streak anyway since 2016.
  4. Relying on a random band to get you up to your predicted snowfall totals is probably not such a good idea..... oh, what you said reminded me of February 2006, one of the winters this is being compared to, where the city got buried by a megaband and those of us just east of that band got half the snow lol.
  5. What storm is that? Two events that I wanted to compare this to is December 2005 (which went badly for us on Long Island) and last year's November 15th storm. If this had taken a better track it could have been like the famous two day early December storm of 2003 :-(
  6. Hey thats not too far from me! I want to see that Bay Effect snow I've heard so much about! ;-) Now I'm wondering if there is such a thing as Jamaica Bay Effect Snow lol.
  7. I've always wondered how South Jersey does better with the back end of storms than we do lol. Even in April storms like the Fools Day storm.
  8. That's pretty much what I thought and goes along with most predictions. 1-3" is pretty good for us for the back end of storms.
  9. Didn't the end of November 1991 have a big snowstorm in Minnesota, similar to what's happening now? I remember reading that many are comparing the two events.
  10. Chris, do you think this might be the single largest influencer of our climate?
  11. Maybe but that 6 inches total in the Poconos sounds about right. Thats what most of the local forecasts are saying.
  12. Yes the two day storm! For some reason during the day it didn't seem to be snowing so hard. We got most of ours at night. And on the second day it ended earlier than I expected- Philly got hit harder than we did.
  13. My favorite storm of all time (no secret here) is Jan 2016. I love large long duration storms that have a large area of 20 and 30 plus inches of snow.
  14. April 1982 was much colder (especially for the time of year.)
  15. what allegations, Don? we are suing the fossil fuel industry in NY, they deserve to be bankrupted after all their lies and coverups. They are a cartel that bribes politicians to curry favor with them and seizes land from people to build dangerous pipelines.
  16. Not in the tropical Atlantic, those waters dont cool until much later. I'm talking about the GOM out to the Carib. and the waters near the Bahamas. That has especially been the case the last few years, when even here in the NE our summers have been extending into the first half of October.
  17. oh that sounds better. I wonder where the best location in the east would be to get the most snow with this storm?
  18. 40 at JFK and 37 at Valley Stream, nice radiational cooling night!
  19. The part about where the core of the strongest winds would be got cut off
  20. My favorite storm of all time, the bulls eye was Allentown to Morris Plains to JFK all with over 30" of snow and 3" LE! We had 6+ hours of true blizzard conditions with it. I have 64 GB of photos and videos from that storm!
  21. and the storm lasted an extra 6 hours even beyond what close-in models predicted, which is how we got 30"+ right at the coast. My favorite storm of all time for this area.
  22. Do you also incorporate official airport data from locations around the world? This would be a great replacement for wunderground, which has become a horrible "service."
  23. Well it looks like the NE may be getting some snow Sunday-Monday.
  24. Isn't it true that the strongest hurricanes in the Atlantic are now occurring in October, which is later than the strongest hurricanes of the past, which were in late August and early September? The extremely warm Atlantic, much warmer than it used to be, would be a reason for that.
  25. Only problem is most people will just go with what the models show on Wednesday and make their plans for the holiday weekend based on that. Until these models get better in the 5-7 day range and even beyond that, meteorologists will keep the reputation they have with the public.
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