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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. funny thing is trying to figure out where the mix line will set up is usually the tough part!
  2. How much does the convection influence where the low sets up? There's been some discussion of short term changes based on that.
  3. and the I-95 mets never lived that one down lol. After that storm all of our local outlets went extremely conservative with their snowfall forecasts. You never see a call of more than 6-12 inches on TV around here, regardless of what the models show, until we're right in the middle of the storm.
  4. 2-3 or 1-3 is what a lot of the forecasts had. Latest is they're talking about perhaps having to tick their forecasts upward based on what happens tomorrow.
  5. Looks like the models were (for the most part) correct.
  6. Thanks that must be it- it was below freezing for several hours last night. I thought it had something to do with the dew point lol, that the surface cools down to the dew point when precip is falling! Maybe it cools down to the wet bulb temp instead?
  7. How do we get freezing rain at 33? And what's the highest temp you can have freezing rain at?
  8. freezing rain with sleet mixed back in here now as the rates increased
  9. precip got a lot heavier and now its a combo of sleet and freezing rain here
  10. It's not snowing out by you? It's heavy freezing rain here. I slipped outside lol
  11. heavier rates must have cooled down the midlevels. It's heavy freezing rain here.
  12. oops I thought it was heavy rain here, but it's actually heavy FREEZING rain, I slipped and fell on my ass when I stepped out the door!
  13. 100% rain here, there was a bit of sleet mixed in at the start.
  14. Indeed this is why you dont drive today. The most accidents happen in low snowfall totals (under 1") and in icy conditions.
  15. so you did change to snow when the higher rates came! I'm a bit more enthused about tomorrow based on the modeling trends.
  16. Yes, I think it is used in Europe for their heat index calculations (which are more complex and also take into account wind speed and the angle of the sun above the horizon!)
  17. ah okay! So the wet bulb only equals the dew point when the relative humidity is 100%, at which point they both intersect with the actual temperature! wait, I reread the definition for wet bulb you posted and it is also always either equal to or lower than the actual temp? can wet bulb be used in place of dew point for heat index calculations?
  18. Looks like an uptick from the earlier edition, we're getting in on some of that banding even on Long Island.
  19. No wonder Mt Holly issued that alert! An old style 80s snowstorm with more snow in Philly AND Boston. Snow to the south of us and snow to the North of us, and rain in between It's all rain here now.
  20. based on that definition, the wet bulb temperature seems to be same as the dew point?
  21. Jan 1996 and Feb 1983 must have been great there too. There have been 4 20"+ storms here since 1983- Feb 1983, Jan 1996, Feb 2003 (PD2), Jan 2016, which was the best with over 30" Got screwed over in Feb 2006 with half the totals the city got. Jan 2011- do you mean Boxing Day? That was 18" here, close but not 20" Have only had 10" after February twice- March 1993 which changed to rain and March (1) 2009 which was just barely 10" here.
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