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Everything posted by LibertyBell
well whatever happens after it stops doesn't matter because the other option is it getting polluted by road chemicals.
Same. I hate icy slush. It would be much better to get zero instead of that. Had a doctor's appt to get to and I wanted that stuff to melt ASAP.
Yes, although I think the EU was starting to fix the cultural pride issue. Nothing wrong with cultural pride but nationalism is a huge problem. I love their high standards for food though, I get a lot of my food imported from Europe. Tastes much better and doesn't make me sick. None of the artificial crap that is used here.
Reagan-First Bush (huge increase in income disparity from trickle down economics) Clinton correction (much stronger economy) Bush, Jr-- Patriot Act, mass surveillance, torture Obama-- (he was sort of in the middle so some of the above bad policies continued, but some improved, the economy got better after the big recession). Trump first term-- dysfunctional, but carried over the strong economy from the end of the Obama term until the Covid pandemic began. Biden-- brought us out of the Covid pandemic, passed historic legislation to combat climate change, but inflation was high (not his fault-- a holdover from the pandemic.) Trump second term-- a trainwreck so far. I see what you're saying about a wide deviation, but I'm looking at the big picture over several decades, I think we get corrections following bad administrations, so hopefully it happens again.
I think we'd be much better off emulating Europe in many ways. climate science, food science, public health, etc. Way too many big money interests are allowed to fester here and it's why our society is much less healthy (and has been since about 2000 when the diabetes epidemic began here.)
Everything runs in cycles and oscillates from one extreme to the other. I'm sure we'll have a strong rubber band effect in 4 years, maybe even 2.
I'm excited about the Tuesday-Wednesday storm, I think that's *our* storm. Saturday night is okay, but it'll probably be all melted by the time I wake up in the morning lol. I think Saturday night is easier to take because something big is coming a few days after it.
The mid January pattern absolutely SUCKED! If we are only going to get 3 inches of snow for the entire month, I'd much rather it be in the 50s for the rest of the month. Cold and dry is awful.
Because most of it will be melted by the time they wake up in the morning lol NYC's largest snowfall is under 2 inches, so not much to brag about. On TWC they are talking about how NYC doesn't get big snowstorms anymore because of the warming climate lol.
the real issue is that there is no real cold air around. when we had it in January the pattern was suppressed
what is the reason for that weird wavy line that goes up and down? The nam has some interesting features lol
Was that the first 6" snowstorm in a few years? yes that March sun angle definitely did it, I remember a lot of melting during lulls. We had a similar storm around March 21, 1994 the last storm in that excellent winter, 4 inches all snow (just like the first storm that winter back around the winter solstice in December), but during lulls in intensity the snowcover would melt.
That 1992 storm gave 6 inches to NYC but less than 4 at JFK if I remember correctly, it kept going back and forth depending on ptype and we never had much snowdepth during that storm.
Listen, here's a real world consequence..... a lot of us live near airports. We've seen what' happened over the past week or so. We're worried.... and we have a reason to be. It doesn't matter which party or which person is in charge, certain standards and safety regulations should be permanently in place no matter what.
it's good to see the NOAA site is back up. Everyone is frustrated but the site going offline without warning is what set this off.
fighting about snowfall maps and rain/snow lines 3 days in advance are completely fine though ;-)
ah so not half an inch of ice. as far as WSW are concerned, I've seen them with forecast totals as low as 4-6.
For ice storm warnings I think it's half an inch of ice though not completely sure. There is no separate warning for sleet as the totals are integrated into snowfall totals. 2-3:1 ratio. WWA begins at 1 inch here. 3 inches of snow and 0.1 ice would be WWA (I think) BUT 4 inches of snow + some ice would be a WSW (I've seen WSW for 4-6 inches of snow before.) 4-6 inches is the minimum for WSW from what I've seen.
it sounds a lot like March 2010 (different enso phase but it describes the transition from February 2010 to March 2010 in the same way.)
even if this does happen there will be much melting in between. I don't see any kind of long sustained cold pattern like we had in January. Thats probably a good thing Highs in the 30s when it snows and highs in the 40s on the other days is just fine.
completely agree