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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. the colder than normal February is a shocker, when was the last time all three months DJF were below normal? and DJFM if all four months are colder than normal?
  2. if there's a screaming fast flow, it's not a favorable pattern. Temperatures below freezing by themselves do not make for a favorable pattern.
  3. Yep, thats what I'm thinking too, the flow is entirely too fast for double digit totals for anyone. Something to think about for next week too, if we even get a *direct hit* from that storm, which we may not.
  4. I strongly doubt even Boston gets more than 6 inches out of this. 6 inches is probably the top end for this storm for anyone.
  5. I've seen situations like that, even more notably there was a storm in early April 1996 (before the big one) when Montauk got 3 inches of snow and the rest of us only changed to nonaccumulating snow at the end.
  6. I wish they'd keep the NAM up to date, it has value in situations like this and also in el nino strong southern stream patterns (like January 2016 for example.)
  7. I accidentally skipped over the part where you said a pandemic that would kill off at least 10% of the population, for that I'd amend my estimate to 100-200 years. But a pandemic that kills off at least 1% of the population could happen again within 20 years. We would hope people and governments would have learned something from what just happened to be able to prevent this in the future (China has been shutting down wet markets), but we just don't know if it will be enough. We certainly need people to have more trust in public health institutions and agencies like the WHO. Pandemics are yet another example why no person and no nation lives in isolation, we're all part of a global society and to function sustainably, humanity needs to start behaving like it.
  8. I do not remember did we have a WSW for St Patrick's Day 2007 when we received 5-6 inches of sleet?
  9. I think 500 years is being overly optimistic, probably more like 20 years-- we've had a few close calls before Covid and since 2000. Human beings are advancing into tropical forests where they don't belong and we also have the disgusting impacts of wet markets. According to many biologists, the pace of pandemics will only increase. edit-- I see you wrote your estimate is based on killing off 10% of the population-- for that I'd say somewhere between 100-200 years.
  10. Nothing to disagree with here. I don't remember seeing myself using the right vs wrong ideology, most of my observations were in hindsight. It's always easier to analyze something after it happens. What's going on right now though is pretty obvious.
  11. Yes I've noticed this too. A sad way to find out society isn't as advanced as we thought it was. I don't think society itself backslid, this always existed in the shadowy corners of society, but got emboldened by the actions of the people *in charge*
  12. I'm adding up your numbers and keeping them updated for the local airports and the park too and will post them. I hope I didn't add it up wrong lol.
  13. You're most definitely right! I hope it means less spiders and mosquitos in the spring and summer. I hope that cold and snowy stretch down south killed the Joro spiders too. I'm not looking forward to spring, each of the last 3 years I've had at least one carpenter bee somehow make it into my house in May.
  14. He's definitely a con man and has been throughout his life, but some people can find excuses for anyone-- until it happens to them. I wish there was a meter to measure societal empathy, for a variety of reasons it's at a low point now.
  15. well whatever happens after it stops doesn't matter because the other option is it getting polluted by road chemicals.
  16. Same. I hate icy slush. It would be much better to get zero instead of that. Had a doctor's appt to get to and I wanted that stuff to melt ASAP.
  17. Yes, although I think the EU was starting to fix the cultural pride issue. Nothing wrong with cultural pride but nationalism is a huge problem. I love their high standards for food though, I get a lot of my food imported from Europe. Tastes much better and doesn't make me sick. None of the artificial crap that is used here.
  18. Reagan-First Bush (huge increase in income disparity from trickle down economics) Clinton correction (much stronger economy) Bush, Jr-- Patriot Act, mass surveillance, torture Obama-- (he was sort of in the middle so some of the above bad policies continued, but some improved, the economy got better after the big recession). Trump first term-- dysfunctional, but carried over the strong economy from the end of the Obama term until the Covid pandemic began. Biden-- brought us out of the Covid pandemic, passed historic legislation to combat climate change, but inflation was high (not his fault-- a holdover from the pandemic.) Trump second term-- a trainwreck so far. I see what you're saying about a wide deviation, but I'm looking at the big picture over several decades, I think we get corrections following bad administrations, so hopefully it happens again.
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