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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. let's see if we can relive some 1993-94 memories with a hard crust of ice that we'll need an axe to chop through ha
  2. The one that happened a month later was worse, 3/2007-- 5-6 inches of sleet and I couldn't open any of my doors.
  3. 1955 through 1970 was the earlier period. It would be interesting to go even further back in history to see if we had an earlier such better in the 1930s and 1940s.
  4. I think you mean 1955 through 1970 not 1955 through 1960
  5. 2 inches tonight and then another 2 inches Tuesday night?
  6. I don't think anyone will get no snow at all, at least 2 inches from each of those storms seems likely.
  7. We were talking about Nemo and today is the anniversary! It's also the anniversary of the famous 1994 thundersnow 4"/hr for 2 hours snowstorm!
  8. This has to be even more rare than gulf coast snow!! 1989 - A winter storm over California produced snow from the beaches of Malibu to the desert canyons around Palm Springs, and the snow created mammoth traffic jams in the Los Angeles Basin. Sixteen cities in the western U.S. reported record low temperatures for the date. Marysville CA reported an all-time record low reading of 21 degrees above zero. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)1989: Mammoth traffic jams in the Los Angeles area as freak snow struck California. The snow was reported from the beaches of Malibu to the desert around Palm Springs.
  9. Wow we were talking about Nemo without even realizing that today is its anniversary!! 2013 - A nor'easter produced heavy snowfall over the New England states. In Boston, Massachusetts, total snowfall reached 24.9 inches, the fifth-highest total ever recorded in the city. New York City officially recorded 11.4 inches of snow at Central Park, and Portland, Maine, set a record of 31.9 inches. Hamden, Connecticut, recorded the highest snowfall of the storm at 40 inches. That February 1994 storm was my first encounter with thundersnow and 4 inch per hour rates for two hours!!
  10. Yep, Nemo was half rain and half snow here, at least it was snow in the second half of the storm, which is much better than getting snow only in the first half of the storm.
  11. we had sleet and freezing rain for 2 days and then backend snow on the third day, that's how we salvaged 4 inches of snow. Out east of us there was a foot near Patchogue.
  12. Did we have the same kind of bust in Nemo (February 2013)? I remember some forecast maps with 30"+.... it did verify, but out east in Suffolk County and in CT with 35-40. January 2015 also jackpotted out east and northeast of us. 24-30 if I remember correctly.
  13. Having January 2016 the following winter is the reason that January 2015 isnt remembered like March 2001 is. That and we did get 10 inches of snow from it and February-March 2015 was truly historic cold and snowy!!
  14. NWS predictions are for 3-4 so if we get like 3.5 it will be our biggest of the season. They even have JFK projected for 3.4 which is impressive.
  15. our local (wabc) has most of long island in 2-4 and the north shore of suffolk county in a narrow strip of 4-8 (really 4-6 like they said).
  16. I mean a 10 inch snowfall sounds pretty awesome right about now, but coming off the expectations of 30"+ was pretty bad.
  17. Maybe this is why we're seeing the modeling vary so much from run to run, it doesn't know how to properly handle the faster northern stream. It originates from a data sparse region anyway.
  18. Kara Block = Black Swan event. It also happened in the 2015-16 winter to turn that winter around from historically warm to historically snowy and cold.
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