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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. 90s Saturday and Sunday and again on Wednesday? Maybe even 95 on one or more of those days?
  2. We're all going to exceed 100 in July, finally getting a baker of a summer which I haven't seen in years!
  3. I'm betting we see our first 100 since 2013- finally a REAL SUMMER! Hasn't happened in years.
  4. ugh is that wind why my allergies are acting up for the first time all year?
  5. However thats not to say that all fusion projects are deceptive, ITAR is doing well and the nations who participate in it (most of Europe) believe we'll be able to use fusion as an energy source by 2050
  6. One thing I dont get is how a 4 inch sea level rise can cause that much damage?
  7. I'm not talking a complete end to pollination just a reduction by about 50 pct which would bring us back to pre climate change levels....when we could all breathe easier lol.
  8. yeah besides I'm not talking a complete end to pollination just a reduction by about 50 pct which would bring us back to pre climate change levels.
  9. interesting year, had our latest snowfall on record in late april and then record heat for most of the summer and in September
  10. yeah it's horrible when it gets really bad but with water vapor and rain I think it makes the plants go crazy. At some point we're going to have to come up with some way to block pollination. The stuff that does this isn't really necessary anyway we should figure out a way to block at least 50% of it.
  11. the hot and dry is what my allergies nonexistent this year, it's the humid weather that makes it really bad remember, no allergies in the desert the desert actually has the cleanest lowest levels of air pollution much lower asthma rates too
  12. what about an electric fence....I'm about ready to do that to keep deer out. Good thing we don't live in a place where elephants live, they are SMART. I saw a doc in which elephants knew how to disable electric fences by repeatedly bashing them with tree trunks and when the electricity was short circuited they would carefully open up the fence and enter......
  13. 1993 here we come.....get that ring of fire established and let's have that SE ridge move inland into the SE and stay there for the entire summer. Why ugh, I thought you love hot and dry summers too? The only way to fix that NYC foliage problem is to KILL it and no rain will do that
  14. this is exactly the kind of summer I have been waiting for YEARS! Need Chris to confirm this, this is exactly the kind of SE ridge we need right? It needs to move inland into the SE to block precip and establish a ring of fire to our north and west. I want this to go full on 1993!
  15. 1991 had a classic and very underrated summer....people forget how hot that summer truly was and all the records that were set.
  16. 90 degrees predicted for next Saturday, is that when the backdoor goes away again?
  17. wow were all those adjusted later? I thought NYC reached 104 and JFK hit 103. Why dont we have back up thermometers at all these places (like, regular ones, not this ASOS stuff.) all the records for that day were from 1999? I remember JFK hit 102 on one of those days....was that the day before?
  18. They all know how to brainwash the ignorant.
  19. WSJ and even Bloomberg News have a history of doing stuff like this. Dont trust Wall Street about anything when it comes to science.
  20. Newark reached 106 in 2010? I thought they reached 108 in 2011?
  21. I didn't even know there was an airport in Harrison lol
  22. go big or go home, a hall of fame summer followed by a hall of fame winter is the best possible combo! I hope it hits 111 this summer!
  23. do you chase them or do they chase you?
  24. My prediction- first chance for 90s will be Memorial Day weekend.
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