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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. whats causing all this? Fukushima dumpage of nuclear waste into the Pacific done rather stupidly by Japan?
  2. you have to learn about significant digits, round everything to the nearest tenth lol.
  3. this was a rain changed to snow storm very high snowfall rates!
  4. But does it mean that climate change affects NYC more than it does DC or Baltimore in terms of snowfall because NYC is closer to the ocean?
  5. DC and Baltimore seem to be fine without them. The question is why is New York City (at a higher latitude) so dependent on them?
  6. It's very difficult to get above normal snowfall without a 4 inch snowstorm. Unless there is a very minor event in October, November, April or May that is.
  7. The only goals for this winter should be 1) get NYC their first 4 inch snowfall in years 2) get all local stations over 20 inches of snowfall 1 is more likely than 2, but it's possible we might get neither.
  8. Using the word *alarmist* is particularly amusing, especially since it assumes it's something really bad. It's not, this is going to be the ultimate check on humanity and control its excesses.
  9. humanity is an unsustainable species nature provides the corrective factor.
  10. I think somewhere around Oyster Bay to Glen Cove to Roslyn to Manhasset to Great Neck would be the ideal place to live for snowfall + commute. The hills up there are truly amazing and it's less than an hour from there into the city. Some of the nicest houses on Long Island too.
  11. Using the February 1994 analogy again a few days after the second storm, there was a storm progged to be a cutter going to Buffalo, but it trended southward in time plus the snowcover made the surface air colder and we ended up getting mostly ZR.
  12. Trust me it's way better than the south shore of Nassau County, where it was 3 hours a day commuting because of poor placement of highways (and still over 2 hours using mass transit.)
  13. Sorry yeah, 30 min to Huntington and then 1 hour to Penn. Huntington and Babylon are both about the same distance from Penn (one hour). I used to go to Penn from both. It was awesome taking a one hour nap on the train and wake up at Penn lol.
  14. Port Jefferson is a good place to be if you want to get into the city. You can get to the city from there in about an hour on the LIRR. Further east it's too much of a hassle.
  15. This next storm will likely get JFK to double digits. What was JFK's total for last season, Don? I want to see how close we are to it.
  16. This could be your big storm of the season. I think we just had ours and might not get another 3 incher this season, we'll see.
  17. It begins March 1st really. This pertains to urban areas. It's when the sun heats the concrete and asphalt enough that big snow accumulations (10 inches and higher) become less likely. We have had a 20 incher as late as the end of February but have not had a double digit snowfall in March in the urban areas. Thus, sun angle.
  18. No, I wrote about this before it started to snow. The cold air was pressing in from the northeast, like it has in some of our famous suppression scenarios. Usually this factor plays against us in suppressive storms but in this case the cold air banked to the east kept it snow until the storm was basically out of here.
  19. and pretty uniform 3-4 inches along the south shore of Long Island this wasn't a changeover storm, what kept amounts uniform was that the storm was out of here before any warming had an impact.
  20. I like it cloudy after it snows, 1) it keeps the snow from melting so quickly and 2) it keeps snow blindness at bay.
  21. Maybe it was an oversight. Can you file a complaint somewhere?
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