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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. 2002-03 was great at Baltimore and JFK, my second favorite season of all time after 1995-96.
  2. an inside runner it means inside of the benchmark but does the low pressure does not make landfall here
  3. clippers don't get any moisture from the ocean the reason they are moisture starved is because of fast Pacific flow. I dont care about clippers so much, who would be excited over 1-2 inches of snow?
  4. we've not even had more than a few days 50 or above.
  5. It was very rare not to have at least one 4" all snow snowstorm. That was my barometer of a decent winter back then, just get one 4" all snow snowstorm and I was fine with it. It's why I consider last winter a decent one, we had a 4 incher and a 6 incher in the same week. I dont care about seasonal snowfall totals as much, if we get at least one or two moderate all snow events, it's a good winter.
  6. why does Ocean County have such a weird shape? it looks like an anvil to me lol
  7. got 3.5 from the last event and expecting 2 from this one, not a bad week. This storm will get me to double digits and closer to last season's total (13 inches)
  8. maybe he means coastal hugger or inland runner
  9. So if we just focus on 10.0 inch snow events at Central Park, what's the average snowfall in a season that has them vs one that doesn't have them (if we go by decade.)
  10. To be fair, if inland areas had a 15-20 inch snowstorm and coastal areas had a 5-10 inch mixed bag, that would still be a KU event.
  11. One thing this winter made me realize is you don't need a certain number of *inches* of snow to get a winter feel. Remember folks, the South Pole station in Antarctica gets less than 1 inch of snow a year and it is one of the most wintry places on the planet! So instead of measuring winters by snowfall inches, we should measure it by duration of snowcover and average temperatures. Whether it's 10 inches of snow or 50 inches of snow matters much less than 1) having many days below freezing 2) the lack of a thaw-- temperatures above 50 degrees 3) duration of snow cover 4) number of snowfall events. The actual amount of snowfall does not really matter. It's felt like a long winter because it has been.
  12. This was the only KU event from that winter for us KU event = at least one of the 4 major reporting stations near the city got 10.0 inches
  13. People downplay February 2024 but we had a 4 incher and a 6 incher in the same week.
  14. February 2024 was pretty good, a foot of snow in one week, can't complain.
  15. Maybe we could come up with a more statistically objective metric. How about this-- instead of *KU BENCHMARK* track, let's calculate the average snowfall by decade when the largest single snowfall in NYC is 1) 10.0 inches or more 2) 8.0 inches or more 3) 6.0 inches or more 4) 4.0 inches or more 5) less than 4.0 inches
  16. March 2001 would have made that season historic
  17. so the warming climate is enhancing the la nina base state
  18. the patient is dying, but we still need to treat that paper cut and bruised knee.
  19. Funny thing is we looked back in disgust at the 80s and early 90s when we were in our snowy period between 02-03 and 17-18. But now we would love to have some of those winters lol.
  20. there were some very underrated winters back then that should be mentioned more often 1977-78 everyone knows about 1981-82 below 0 and two major snowstorms, one in April. 1982-83 had the big HECS of the decade 1986-87 multiple major snowstorms 1987-88 snowy first half of winter 1991-92 multiple major snowstorms
  21. 1977-78 really stands out in that time period. And so does 1982-83, so you really want a moderate or strong el nino.
  22. Our snowy pattern began in 2002-03, what was our snowfall average from 02-03 through 17-18, Chris? And how many years in that period did we average between 20-30 inches of snow?
  23. Probably Atlantic City too then.
  24. Unfortunately nature loves to repeat herself as far as weather patterns are concerned.
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