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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. when will New York get its turn?
  2. still think he could have jumped out of a window. I've done it before, it doesn't hurt.
  3. how many hours of snow before the changeover? from what I looked at it will snow from noon to 8 pm before it changes over.
  4. somehow this area is less snowy than Montauk which sticks out into the ocean and begs to changeover first.
  5. Looks like the snow created its own hill.....
  6. you mean the upside down model? does it have 81-21 inches for us too? or 42-21 inches?
  7. 00z models are famous for being the first to catch changes because they get new upper air data and they have the highest verification scores. In 1993-94 our storms always trended snowier/icier with the night time runs and they ended up being correct.
  8. how many hours would this storm last as per the GFS? it looks like a 24+ hour storm based on the maps?
  9. it should be named BUCKLEUP
  10. Better six days out than ten days out. We just need one more day. When it gets to five days out, it becomes a serious threat.
  11. Great so Delaware would have even more than us since they don't get anything for Saturday. Isnt there a way to run the model just for next week instead of including every storm between now and then?
  12. January 2016 was bigger than any I've ever seen, the most widespread 30 plus inch amounts across the most densely populated regions.
  13. also March 2001 and January 2015 lol
  14. Indeed, but as long as the mixing just stays way out east or south of us, we'll be fine. In storms like this JFK jackpots even if there is a slight bit of mixing (although don't expect the mixing to get back here)-- see February 1961. Higher qpf > trumps any slight mixing issues.
  15. the amounts are fairly even across the board south to north, which is a pretty good sign-- there are 8 inch amounts on it both southwest of us and northeast of us.
  16. Thanks Walt, I'm very worried about the winds Sunday night and into Monday too, looks like Wind Warning criteria winds might be on tap. They're bad enough tonight as it is....
  17. got really windy here right after sunset, I was a little shocked how quickly the winds ramped up
  18. Wow and the last time both January and February were below freezing was 2014-15 Don? It's interesting that two of the four in the above list were in the snowy 1960s decade. 1967-68 is the most extreme of the entire bunch.
  19. It's going to look pretty on Saturday, it can do whatever it wants at night, I don't look outside at night anyway lol.
  20. https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/1889901061499998422 JACK THE RIPPER IDENTIFIED THROUGH 100% DNA MATCH A breakthrough in forensic history—historian Russell Edwards claims Jack the Ripper has been identified as Aaron Kosminski, a Polish barber and long-time suspect, after a 100% DNA match. The match was made using a shawl found at the scene of Catherine Eddowes’ 1888 murder. Kosminski’s great-great-grandniece provided the DNA sample, confirming the link. Legal teams are now pushing for a formal inquest to name him the killer in court. A mystery that baffled experts for 136 years may finally be solved.
  21. Don, didn't you write something about such features not being properly ironed out until 3 days before the expected date of the storm? That means Monday of next week is when we'll have a good idea.
  22. I think it might be since 2013-14, not sure? Long time ago regardless.
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