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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. true we would need a much larger tunnel.
  2. wow last winter was very bad at Boston with under 10 inches of snow, how many times has Boston had less than 10 inches of snow? wasn't 2018-19 also a low snowfall season for all these locations?
  3. very low snowfall in the midwest too, which is not normal for them in a la nina-- examples, Omaha, Nebraska and Chicago.
  4. that's some very cold weather to be snoring in, I'm very envious! cold weather is great sleeping weather!
  5. this is why I think if we moved long island 100 miles to the east it would get a lot more snow
  6. Traditionally the CFS is most accurate for the following month in the last week of the current month so we'll see where it's at on Monday, but it looks like the warmth is delayed but not denied. But note, the last week of February is going to be mild too. The actual pattern change will be happening next week, the pattern change away from long duration arctic air. Sure we may be getting transient shots of cold air here and there but after this storm passes and this current arctic air goes away winter for all intents and purposes is over for the megalopolis.
  7. I remember something was different about that winter even before the superstorm, we started getting more frequent snows than we had had in a few years. People consider March 1993 the superstorm, but for my money the real superstorm of that season was December 1992. It completely dwarfed March 1993 for the amount of damage it caused, its hurricane force wind speeds, surge flooding and lasting for 3 days! Too bad it wasn't snow here until the very end, a three day blizzard like that would easily have beaten all snowfall records!!
  8. Our new warmer summer pattern emerged in 2010 leading to to 12 out of 15 warmer to record warm summers. Our warmer summers were really 2010 to 2013, that was a historic hot streak. Unfortunately excessive rainfall and the northward position of the Bermuda High have made our summers more humid rather than as hot as they were back then (as measured by 90 and 100 degree highs.) I have hopes we're going to return to drier summers now with more of a westerly rather than humid southerly flow and so we should get back to an early 2010s kind of pattern (similar to the summers we had in the 80s like 1980, 1983, 1988 and the 90s like 1991, 1993, 1995, 1999 and 2002.) Statistically with 90 degree days the 1990s were our hottest decade for summer heat and the early 10s were similar to that. 1991-2002 had some truly amazing summers!
  9. It could be thats what changed is the natural variability has become more extreme than it was in the past. So for example the 2000s and 2010s were snowier than for example the 1950s and 1960s were and what we're in now is less snowy than the 1970s and 1980s were. Both extremes have increased.
  10. A question about some terminology Lee Goldberg used tonight. He said the problem wasn't the northern stream, he said the problem was that the southern storm was too quick and ran out way ahead of the ULL and that's why the storm was suppressed. Does that mean the southern stream was quicker than the northern stream?
  11. the cold and windy is particularly jarring. spring snows with sunshine and no wind the next day can be quite pleasant. I remember one of my favorite March snows was in 1996 when we had 7 inches of snow, it snowed all night and most of the morning. Around 1 pm the sun came out and the temperature rose into the 50s and there was absolutely no wind-- there's nothing better than that!
  12. It's definitely better for Suffolk County. We get some snows too, usually smaller amounts, but even 4-6 inches would seem like a major snowstorm this season.
  13. Ocean City is closer to the predominant track of east-west storms. For us to get snowstorms from that direction they must turn up the coast.
  14. late February 2010 slightly colder would do it too
  15. I have a ton of pictures of that storm and snow encrusted daisies in my backyard, a great end to an absolutely amazing snow season and we knew that was the end to the snow season too.
  16. Yes that was one of my favorite storms of all time, full day time snow 8 inches here, I enjoyed that more than any of the March snows, which seem to underperform for some reason, a great end to a great season in 2003. April 2018 was my favorite storm that season after the January 2018 blizzard but for some reason JFK undermeasured that storm, we had 6 inches here too. I think JFK and NYC both measured 8 inches in that March 2018 storm so I just go by their numbers, that was mixed precip for awhile before it switched to snow.
  17. Yes the only one I can remember that was different was the April 1997 Fools Day storm and that was sort a bust here with only 1-2 inches when 8-16 inches were predicted. There was more snow both south and north of us.
  18. Even April.... after the end of February though it's a good idea to keep any expectations low.
  19. you know as well as I do, there's a cap for urban areas when it comes to March, we haven't had a double digit storm in March in many decades. 3-6 inch storm sure and once a decade maybe even an 8 incher. Based on how the winter has gone, even that much may not be in the cards this time around.
  20. If you want la nina analogs, March 1956 and March 1984 are two. I would lean more towards March 1984 since that had a dry and cold winter similar to this one and came after a strong el nino. I won't list March 2018 since we didn't have a SSW like that this year.
  21. You missed March 1956 and March 1984 lol he might use them since they were la ninas
  22. I'm trying to remember any other season in my lifetime that was anything like this and I can't remember a single one. Even cold and dry seasons like 1976-77 were a lot snowier than this season has been. It's hard to find a season with less than 20 inches of snow that was this cold in terms of the means. No extreme cold yes, but consistent temperatures between 10 and 45 has to be some sort of record.
  23. you must have had more snow than we did, all our piles were gone after that big rainstorm on Sunday
  24. I know you and others have said this isn't similar to 2013-14 and 2014-15 and of course it isn't in terms of snowfall, but what about that sustained EPO?
  25. I can't remember the last time we had a March mean temperature in the 30s, even 39.9.... March 2015? If it's like the winter has been, it won't as cold as that month was, it's been only slightly below normal.
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