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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. I think we should rename snow season to salt season ;-) (you know, because we seem to get more salt than snow!) So we can now finally say that salt season has apparently come to an end lol.
  2. I wonder what the most snowfall is that NYC has ever had in a season with no snowfall of 4 inches or higher?
  3. They are way over doing it. Also people need to learn how to drive in bad weather-- or just not drive in it.
  4. I know that's what makes it ironic lol, but that seems to be the thing they listen to.
  5. I would consider 2008-09 a better, colder version of this winter with a happy ending (coastal snowstorm).
  6. But even people who normalize more recent weather should be cognizant of the numbers. I felt cold this winter and yet I know single digits were never attained and I've experienced several winter months that averaged in the 20s which we did not have at all this season (January averaged around 30.) Sure it was cold, but nothing extreme or historic. The wind made it feel worse than it was.
  7. Yeah, we didn't even have that much snow here, only 13 inches, it was like a glorified lake effect event lol. I'm thinking more along the lines of January 2016 which was a massive 30 inch plus event across a large area.
  8. Florida is boring though, no extremes. 100 degrees dry heat followed by a 2 foot blizzard and below zero is where it's at!
  9. It would be nice if it stuck around for at least a week. Otherwise we'd have flooding problems with a 30 inch plus snowstorm.
  10. What if that larger storm is 30 inches plus though? Is there a threshold where you'd take a multi day supersnowstorm regardless of what happened before or after?
  11. Yes or 02-03 those were the only wall to wall winters in my lifetime.
  12. Have we ever had a winter with no 60 degree highs ?
  13. How are we going to get them to stop doing this? Maybe someone needs to sue them.... since lawsuits are the only thing they seem to listen to.
  14. February 2015 was incredible. I was glad to have lived through it.
  15. It was also much colder than this 10, 15, 20 years ago too. This decade could just be a temporary blip too, maybe it will be much colder again in the 2030s as Ray thinks it will be.
  16. But we're not just talking about 40 years ago, it was consistently much colder than this, 10, 15 and 20 years ago too.
  17. Are you seriously trying to say that an average temperature of 48 in 10 years feels the same as an average temperature of 32 right now? Regardless of the incredible amount of disdain I have about *average temperatures*-- there is no more meaningless stat in all of meteorology.
  18. but people don't judge *days* by average temperature, they judge them by the temperature and heat index on that day.
  19. Yep, there is such a thing as *degrees of cold* literally, not all cold is the same, just like not all snowstorms are the same. This cold is like an 8 inch snowstorm, an emotionally satisfying significant amount of cold, but a KU kind of cold-- No!
  20. The 30 year average is very subjective, there is no climate cycle that corresponds to it, there is no scientific reason for having a 30 year average it's really just a matter of convenience rather than anything scientific. For my purposes, I would much rather use an average that begins in 1950 which is when most of our airports came into operation, or 1960 at the latest. That way all stations are on an even footing since they were all in operation by 1960 at the latest. No 30 year averages or 10 year averages or what have you, just use all the data we have available starting in 1950 or 1960. it's time to dump the 30 year averages.
  21. lol I love this, when did this happen Ed?
  22. plus no wind and blue skies
  23. I don't think the 10 days at 89 thing would ever happen, hell we don't even get 10 days of 90+ degrees anymore =\ The last time we even had a 7 day heatwave was back in 2002. Our heatwaves have become shorter. https://www.weather.gov/okx/heatwaves These were some astounding heatwaves of the past August 1896 (10 days) over 1500 died in NYC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1896_Eastern_North_America_heat_wave https://www.npr.org/2010/08/11/129127924/the-heat-wave-of-1896-and-the-rise-of-roosevelt?ft=1&f=1022 August 1953 - September 1953 (12 days with multiple days of 100+) https://www.life.com/history/heat-wave-photos-1950s/
  24. I hope the westerlies last all spring and summer!!
  25. don't forget no wind either :-) doing spring cleaning today!
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