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Everything posted by thomp2mp

  1. had some giant floofs with the band that moved through between 2 and 3PM, no accumulation but easy on the eyes. backyard temp was 38°. the band around 6PM produced just rain, temp was 36°. currently some mist with visibility down to half a mile at PTK.
  2. absolutely barfing snow here. ~2" depending on where you stab the yardstick. just got home and the few cars I saw were keepin' er between the ditches (and lakes) so that's cool
  3. been riproaring here for a little over half an hour, flakes have been fattening. half inch easily since the start.
  4. pretty wild stat, but now it's been 0 days (at least for you)
  5. Hit -6.5° overnight, with a WC of -19°. Had a friend in Pensacola send me this photo of their 8.25" of snow from yesterday:
  6. 2.0" here in Waterford. Roads are a mess
  7. Quick dusting here in Waterford over the past 45 minutes but not snowing at the moment. At least everything looks pretty.
  8. Circulation near Holly earlier that prompted a SVR warning, along with straight line winds
  9. dude wyandotte's got so many sycamore trees. i loved it when I visited my grandma there in my youth days
  10. managed 0.01" at PTK so far today, my PWS hasn't registered anything (probably fked something up when I installed my new wind cups, so many earwigs living in there)
  11. super foggy here, PTK is down to 1/8SM, DTW & Willow Run 1/4SM
  12. Flew into DTW on my way back from Pensacola yesterday (was cold AF down there but that's another story) and our flight was delayed by about 30 mins so they could top off the fuel just in case we had to go into a holding pattern. DTW was reporting FZRA and the captain said our diversion was CMH (to booing in the cabin lol). Luckily we had a brisk tailwind and only arrived 15 minutes late, and DTW switched to just rain. roads were crap heading Downriver around 11:30PM, but my drive back to Waterford this afternoon entailed just wet roads.
  13. Late post but ended up with a little over 7" of cottage cheese imby. Many roads are still kinda dicey between here and my office in Novi.
  14. measured 1.0" so far IMBY. starting to slow down
  15. what's happening here at the IL/WI lakeshore border? nighttime micro and band 7 shortwave IR images
  16. RIP to my cup anemometer on my weather station. Probably got taken out by one of the billions of falling walnuts from the neighbor's tree.
  17. DTX posted today that the growing season has officially ended for SEMI. I don't recall seeing any frost advisories in the CWA this autumn. How often does that happen?
  18. Constant horrible feeling light rain since around 7 tonight. Got about a quarter inch so far though. Humid cool air makes me sad.
  19. for future reference, if you've got GR2Analyst you can load archive files from the NEXRAD Inventory on this page for any of the NEXRAD sites.
  20. looking at the archived radar data on GR2A, looks like a brief spinup might've happened around that area. Spicer's is the red marker.
  21. 0.70" from two downpours imby this afternoon and evening. First one blew off what seemed like an unlimited supply of walnuts from the neighbor's tree all over the yard.
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