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Everything posted by psv88

  1. 37 this morning. no freeze here yet, lowest to date was 34. With the next 2 weeks looking like a torch, our first freeze will be later than normal out here. Usually we have a first freeze around 11/1
  2. 45 here. Climate difference this year is crazy
  3. Just checked my records. 2015,2016 and 2018 were cooler in October than 2022 here
  4. Is it? Above normal city and east. Surprised it would be that much cooler in NJ
  5. 71/68 at my place on the island. Incredible.
  6. 45 here, was 34 this morning. Weird you’re so much warmer
  7. Agreed. And to think some people also think the world is round, the "Round Earthers" as we call them.
  8. Suffolk is not in the "metro" for weather purposes. When you read an AFD by Upton there is usually a distinction between the NYC Metro, NW and LI. Geographically/politically, the entire area is the NYC metro.
  9. Thunder and heavy rain. Nice storms developed right over head.
  10. Pouring now. Ground has been soaked for the past few weeks. The leaves have changed earliest than in maybe the past decade. I wonder if the drought played a role? Beautiful colors out there.
  11. This is not correct. It only passed the Senate, not the house. The house not even put this on its calendar.
  12. Beautiful day. 64 and blue bird skies. Top 10 weekend incoming
  13. Yea we had a nice firehouse park in western Suffolk for a 2-3 hours last night, probably 5 miles east of you. Nice training
  14. Not really close to accurate. A good portion of the island got over 2”
  15. Flood advisory for Nassau and Suffolk. Relentless rains out here
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