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Everything posted by psv88

  1. Stayed windy all night. Thought we would get a frost last two nights but didn’t even drop below 40 due to the wind.
  2. 43 last night, didn’t get as cold as expected
  3. 40 last night, wind stayed up, especially north shore.
  4. Currently 46 and I don’t see us dropping into the 30s. Looks like first frost will be in November this year.
  5. 41 this morning. Thought we would drop lower
  6. There’s barely any snow on the map outside of the mountains. Weird post
  7. 72 and beautiful on the island. Crazy it’s so cold just north
  8. Incredible day today again. Wash rinse repeat
  9. I’ll be at the game Wednesday. Winter coat time
  10. 70 today. Another nice weekend before we cool down again.
  11. 47 last night. Turned the heat on this morning. Was a little too cool for my liking
  12. Beautiful night for a playoff game at Citi field. Incredible game. LGM
  13. I was down in Sarasota this past spring. The bay there is very high even just at high tide. The entire downtown will be underwater. the construction downtown is pretty new so I would imagine structural damage would be limited even with cat 3 winds. That’s one saving grace, most of the development on the west coast is new and in accordance with the better building codes. Obviously the immediately shoreline will be wrecked, but the newer construction should be fine
  14. 45 this morning. I remember when I was a kid first week of October or so would be when you’d have the first days with highs struggling to reach 60 and lows dropping into the lower 40s. I don’t see any sub 60 highs for the next few weeks but lows should approach 40, so we are stepping down relatively close to normal schedule
  15. 76 today. Beautiful weather continues.
  16. Had a quick downpour this morning driving to the office. 75 now.
  17. 72 off of a low of 46. Perfect day
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