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Everything posted by psv88

  1. All winter? We’ve had a total of one snow threat which was a few slushy inches for the coast. What am I missing?
  2. 41 degrees in Montreal at 10 pm on February 9. Helluva winter!
  3. Is it spring yet?
  4. 25 now. Keep em DEAD
  5. Still 10 days away? Will circle back tomorrow
  6. 26 last night. At least the bugs are being held at bay for now.
  7. It absolutely will not happen within our lifetimes. Will take hundreds of years
  8. Fusion tech may never actually come to be. Even if it does develop it won’t be for 200 years where it can actually be used
  9. What’s your profession that you are on the water all winter?
  10. Do you disagree that the earth is warming?
  11. People already spiking the football for a snowy second half of February and doing the snow dance. Crazy to me. It’s a 2 week forecast and the hype has already started. After 25 years you’d think people would have learned a little?
  12. Yikes. There is no debate that a mass extinction is under way, particularly as the rain forests get destroyed. The oceans are also rapidly dying, especially the coral reefs which are absolutely decimated. the coral reefs are dying due to bleaching from marine heat waves around the world. This is not disputed by any body. Between the destruction of forests and the warming oceans, there is a mass extinction underway
  13. That’s it for the past 10 days lol
  14. You need to include cloudy days in this analysis. This would bump this to the worst winter ever
  15. More clouds. How many days since we’ve seen the sun? 10? Has to be a record!
  16. When Alaska is cold we are warm and the reverse is true as well
  17. Didn’t even hit freezing last night.
  18. What the hell. Point and click said partly cloudy this week and now cloudy until Friday! WHERE IS THE SUN??!??!?
  19. At Topgolf in holtsville by @Rjaybeen snowing for an hour
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