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Everything posted by psv88

  1. I’ve had many issues with this as well. There is a last ditch program called cumulus I have used before to get your data online. I don’t use it now since my weatherlink software works, but it used to work well for me.
  2. Maybe your elevation keep you cool, i dont see any other reason. Everywhere else on the island hit 90 last 2 days
  3. yea FOK, JFK and ISP shouldnt reach 90 before NYC
  4. 89 at ISP now, 87 at NYC. Westhampton hit 90! When is the last time FOK hit 90 before NYC??? (im guessing never)
  5. Drove back to Commack and temp ticked up to 91, same as my pws. Town is in a little valley and is more built up than surrounding areas, maybe that’s why we roast
  6. To be fair, drove north from Commack to Huntington village and temp dropped from 90 to 87, maybe the light flow off the sound is keeping him cooler
  7. Meh. The poster, who I respect, recorded numbers 2-3 degrees lower than every ASOS site in the tri state area and most pws. More a sensor issue than siting. come to think of it, his numbers in winter were also a few degrees cooler than most.
  8. Bro its 87 in Westhampton, 86 FRG...your sensor is low lol, 89 here
  9. Interesting that City and NJ terminals are all reporting EAST winds, and LI terminals North winds...very weird.
  10. 87 now, running about a degree cooler than yesterday. Probably due to high clouds
  11. I don't get the fascination you all have with not using AC. Is it a money thing? Pride? Maybe you all dont have young kids still in the house. Regardless, once temp in the house is above 72 at night, central AC goes on until October. No reason not to be comfortable in 2019.
  12. That's incredible. Brutal temps, and there is no desert in France
  13. Slightly cooler temp this morning and slower to rise so far, today looks to be a bit cooler out here than yesterday
  14. still 87 here with NW winds, Seabreeze front being pushed south
  15. Looks like seabreeze already pushing pretty far north in suffolk, earlier than i thought it would, the rapid heating must have caused it to come north faster
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