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Everything posted by psv88

  1. My neighbor has been here 25 years says worst he has ever seen. All main roads around town closed. Northern state is closed
  2. Core hit us. Lost two trees. Insane. Still blowing
  3. Just missed storms here again. Gust front had winds of 35 and dropped temps from 85 to 75, bouncing up again though to 77
  4. 84/64. Line of storms moving South in Ct looks to clip city east. Maybe just a quick hit and then salvage the day
  5. We had some storms earlier in the spring. Maybe you missed those?
  6. Guarantee that tomorrow, when I’m hosting 15 people, we’ll get the rains lol
  7. Montauk getting clobbered now. One of those frustrating days. When the east end gets nailed and I get nothing I consider that a real kick in the nuts. Couldn’t buy a drop today, storms all around.
  8. Definitely in streaks. It’s incredible that storms hit the exact same areas twice, weather is crazy
  9. Northeast part of the area was the loser. Storms all around elsewhere
  10. Not often southern Nassau and Suffolk cash in on storms when the north shore is mainly dry. Southwest Suffolk been slammed twice today. Not even a sprinkle up here. I do hear thunder in the distance though, as I have all day
  11. Seeing the planes circling here too. Looks like north shore Suffolk is the big loser today. Congrats everyone else. Just put the sprinklers on lol
  12. Outflow from the storms moving north. Maybe it will cool us down. 89 still
  13. Upton botched highs today. Forecast was for 85-86, most areas 90-92. Played catch up until temps were above 90 lol
  14. Yup, waiting for something to pop along it. Sometimes it’s a nice boundary for initiation and today would be a classic day for it.
  15. Haha I guess the alps of the island finally roasted today
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