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Everything posted by psv88

  1. Dewpoints in the mid 60s. Feels hot out there today
  2. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=local-New_Jersey-02-24-0-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=local-New_Jersey-02-24-0-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined Unreal marine influence, kills all convection right now.
  3. 63 and socked in with low clouds out here, not expecting much.
  4. Drought conditions afoot around here...missed all the rains lately
  5. Impressive storms out east last night. There was a lot of elevated instability the further east one went.
  6. Severe warned storm in the hamptons now.
  7. Few claps of thunder and light rain out here
  8. Stay safe people. Storms in NJ look nasty.
  9. 87.5 in nw Suffolk. Temps fell short of forecasts today. Also 87 down here in SE FL
  10. I’m in FL where it’s 86, 86 also at home in Suffolk.
  11. Central Air died in the house, driving down to fire island wont help much lol
  12. 79/61 at 10 am...toasty and warmest of the year so far
  13. Beautiful morning. 70 and sunny. I don’t get this post
  14. Nights are still cool. As soon as sun went down today it’s in the 50s. Good thing I have a nice fire roaring in the pit
  15. Was beautiful yesterday and 68. 44 and rain now.
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