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Everything posted by psv88

  1. We do change the course of rivers, by things called dams...we can bend steel when it is heated to a certain temperature and steel is a human creation, so that makes no sense bud....
  2. So your motivation is to protect those people who are concerned from themselves?
  3. We do have proof because its happening now. Each year is warmer than the last (essentially). I will be direct. Why deny? What is the motivation? Is it simply because it is a cause supported by liberals? Is there something else? I really dont understand why people deny, unless they work for the fossil fuel industry.
  4. Yes, once. That is not wishing for anything. "Once grandpa dies, the house goes to his wife" Does that mean i wished for him to die? Course not, you are twisting my words and your attempt fails.
  5. lol what. Layoff the eggnog. i didnt wish for anything. Nice try.
  6. It is not a theory that greenhouse gases prevent heat from escaping the earth, this is law. It is also not a theory that greenhouse gases have increased rapidly for the past century due to industrialization. These are facts. It is also fact that temps have increased rapidly over the past century, confirming the above...the science is settled.
  7. Yea. Agreed, climate change is simply poor countries trying to shake down rich countries. It's incredible how poor countries have managed to employ tens of thousands of scientists and alter data in their favor to try and squeeze a few bucks out of the rich countries. Unless...you are completely wrong and the chosen remedy is not a transfer of wealth. It is self-regulation by individual countries, closing coal power plants, etc. Just this week, a court in the netherlands (where my family is from) ordered the country to cut emissions, on the basis of human rights. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50864569 No transfer of wealth there. But, who needs facts when they have Tucker, am i right?
  8. Definitely not joking. I have no hard feelings, once deniers die off, the younger generations will do what needs to be done. Green parties around the world are swelling in numbers, massive gains in Europe, the younger generation cares about the environment because it is their inheritance. I dont blame you or others of your ilk. Just like i don't blame anti-vaxxers, or liberals who are crazy about GMOS, etc. People will believe what they want to believe. I believe that in the end, the truth always prevails. Maybe i am the moron, but i am willing to take that risk of action over inaction.
  9. Agreed; no need for hard feelings. It’s not the deniers fault that they can’t accept science. They became deniers due to both nature and nurture (aka science), it is beyond their control and how they are wired. Just like those who accept science and facts were likely raised in environments which fostered the acceptance of reality. All we can do long term is ignore the deniers until they die off. The younger generation is really charged up about climate change.
  10. The post is trash lol. Other than their sports section, it’s garbage. Wall Street Journal is fair and balanced in my opinion, slants a bit right, but overall it’s down the middle
  11. Other than the weather being cold it’s a pretty good place to live. Good people, good food, a lot to do.
  12. I meant $70k per kid total before kindergarten. So 2 kids is $140,000 in daycare before kindergarten. I’m already $100k In
  13. all metro areas are bad around the world. London, Tokyo, Paris, all insanely expensive in the nice metro areas. Supply is less than demand, and prices rise. Straight forward explanation.
  14. Bad idea, lease it. Buying a car is the worst possible investment, other than a boat.
  15. The real problem is daycare. Public schools are great, but between 1 and 5, youll spend $70,000 per kid. For a young family with a house thats killer. You can easily make $200,000 + household income and be broke, living a modest life. Without daycare its a different story. But for young families, its is extremely hard to make ends meet and own a house in the NYC Metro area.
  16. Yes, the wind in that event was incredible as well.
  17. this year we had 5 min of heavy snow and maybe 1/4", last year was 15 min of blitz and like an inch
  18. Agreed, FOK was sitting at 31 for much of the night.
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