Our numbers are in lockstep for this winter. We really can't complain. Looking for the first snow which needs to be shoveled. Still havent had to break out the snow shovel.
Dude, we all love you, but you dont like anything that doesnt call for 12"-24" lol. Not predicting a blizzard with every NAM run does not make you a warmista.
Calling him sensitive was uncalled for. He is well respected for being calm and a gentlemen. That is all.
Obviously disagree, but the personal attacks not so much. Now i am another story haha, attack away.
And you have been on the warm pity party too lol
Dude layoff of bluewave, this is not USAWX. Hes one of the most solid posters on here and a true gentlemen. Move on. We get it, you are fired up, but lay off of him.
Climate predictions from 2000 turned out to be accurate