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Everything posted by psv88

  1. Exactly, nobody on LI had snowblowers in the 80s and 90s. Only after the 2000s did people really invest. I still dont have one, and my neighbor who bought one in fall 2008 only used his once, for some slop. We havent had to really shovel any snow this "winter". Better investment is to pay the local kids $40-$60 to clear out the driveway once every 3 years...
  2. You have alot of friends who live in snowy areas...how do you meet these people?
  3. Dude you post those models! You are referring to yourself!
  4. Just purchased my Boston Calling tickets for Memorial Day Weekend. How’s the forecast look?
  5. Ok Tony. Which model has a higher verification score? It gets really old when the board is hijacked by people like yourself who dismiss a model simply because they dont like what it shows. When the GFS shows a solution you dont like you call it the "Goofus". In any event, the Euro is an improved look from prior runs, but does not show a storm for our area. This should temper expectations for the time being.
  6. It has the highest scores of any model. But sure, whatever you say.
  7. GFS gave Jacksonville a major blizzard in December, its a joke of a model.
  8. Heavy snow here at Camelback ski resort in the Poconos. Nothing on radar
  9. There he is! Thanks for that. Glad you got some of the white gold. Hope all is well you and the family brother
  10. Doesn’t explain why we snowed when Rockland county mixed. It’s not just that.
  11. Confirmed by dual pol. 3.2” brings me to 9.7” for the year.
  12. That Wheatley heights is just to my south. 3.2” final here. Mixing with rain. temp 32.9
  13. Temp here hasn’t budged in an hour, stuck at 32.8, probably the difference
  14. I guess south shore warmed from LLJ, but the mid levels never warmed here. 32.8 and snow continues
  15. Check out this rain snow line. Coming at me from all sides. Would love to understand this
  16. Great event for us. NW Suffolk and NE Nassau is the sweet spot this winter. Still all snow here
  17. Just went out to shovel and incredibly it’s still @Allsnow. 3.0”
  18. All snow up here. Models crushed this sweet spot in northern nassau and Suffolk.
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