ASOS/AWOS Station Summary (Help)
Last Reported
Max/Min Values Last 24 Hours
Station 6 Hr High Temperature
95.0° F (13:56 EDT 07/27)
95.0° F (13:56 EDT 07/27)
Station 6 Hr Low Temperature
75.0° F (13:56 EDT 07/27)
70.0° F (7:56 EDT 07/27)
Station 24 Hr High Temperature
90.0° F (0:56 EDT 07/27)
Station 24 Hr Low Temperature
73.9° F (0:56 EDT 07/27)
Station Peak Wind Speed
21.9 mph (11:56 EDT 07/27)
For ISP. Would this show 95.0 then?
LGA low was 81, already 88.
88 here now off a low of 70, 87 at FRG, 86 at FOK
ISP is 84, much lower than surrounding areas, something off with the sensor