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Everything posted by psv88

  1. 97 here now...but looks like seabreeze front has developed and is moving north of the LIE, so this may be it, then we settle into low 90s with even worse dews
  2. There is no wind at all and clear skies. This is high end stuff here. If the sea breeze holds off maybe we hit 100
  3. Yup. This area is a bit more developed and low lying. I am glad my neighbor @STORMANLI confirms my numbers.
  4. 96 here and surrounding PWS...
  5. Usually we don’t get this type of sustained heat in June, so these cool offs are just regression to normal before we bake again. newark will have 16 90 degree days by July 1…must be a record. @donsutherland1
  6. For whatever reason my immediate local area roasts, the local PWS confirm my numbers. We are in a more developed area in a bit of a valley. Too bad I can’t post the image
  7. I don’t think that impacts the ASOS sights. Most of the new buildings are “green” and as for Queens, the exteriors are all glass, unlike the older buildings which were all concrete which holds in the heat…
  8. These urban areas are fully developed…there is no open space around Newark…
  9. Cooled off to 73 out here, usually during peak high heat we dip to 76 or so, so not far off from our peak heat numbers. 84/75 now.
  10. Canada set its record high temp again today at 118. Florida has never recorded 110 degrees…
  11. North shore is roasting today, winds still too southerly for you guys
  12. Was 116 in Canada today…this is nothing
  13. Immediate coast is the beach. 3-5 miles inland it will be in the 90s.
  14. Rain forest out here, 84/72. Steamy
  15. Love this weather out on the island. Only hit 83, but dews up to 74 today. Feels like the Caribbean. Give me this all summer
  16. Nice to see our numbers match. Definitely gets toasty in our area
  17. West wind and full sun, over performer. Topped out at 92. Planted a ton of grass under my PWS and even watered it at 1:30, so reading not too hot
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