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Everything posted by psv88

  1. It’s beautiful. Wind keeping the mosquitoes at bay. Went for a swim. Spectacular
  2. Why? I would rather be warm than cold. Shorts and flip flops live on. Enjoy bundling up!
  3. Subtropical day here…80/73…on September 23
  4. They are the worst. Thankfully none on LI
  5. You realize most of the metro area is also asphalt right? When people walk on a sidewalk, etc, they are over asphalt. So it is more representative than a lush garden in the middle of manhattan
  6. Wouldn’t mind an early freeze to kill the bugs and ragweed.
  7. No rain here last night. Starting to dry out a bit
  8. Muggy out here. Feels very hot in the sun
  9. My friend works in management for the LIRR and said they had no warning the floods were coming...the meteorologists, and the models, were highlighting the potential for devastating flooding for days. To blame the met community is criminal. The reality is nothing really could have been done because our infrastructure is 150 years old and we would rather spend $5 trillion to rebuild other countries when dozens die here in part due to poor infrastructure. This country needs to invest trillions to prepare for what is coming with CC. Sadly many more will die before action is taken.
  10. Problem is hundreds of thousands of people live in basement apartments. How can you evacuate that many people for a potential flood event?
  11. There was tornado on the north shore of suffolk county, ny as well.
  12. With rainfall rates of 3-4" in one hour, you can get stuck in traffic when the streets are clear and within 30 min they are under water. Sometimes there is nothing you can do.
  13. The Vineyard getting rocked by Tors
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