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Everything posted by psv88

  1. Maybe you have a microclimate by you. Who knows. But it’s not representative of the general area. my station, which is in lockstep with all of the surrounding stations (including @STORMANLIwho is within a mile from here), is located in a large patch of grass in a shaded part of the yard. my dewpoint readings may be high because it’s over grass, but the temp is accurate.
  2. So much for 60% chance of rain today…
  3. 89/73 for Westhampton, that’s nasty and high end stuff for them
  4. So it’s near a pool? if all of the local ASOS sites are well above your readings that’s an indication your readings are off. I don’t know what else to say.
  5. Your stations are too low…even westhampton and Brookhaven hit 90 today!
  6. Both ISP and FRG recorded heat waves. (ISP hit 90 today). your readings are too low. Maybe they are too close to grass, trees, etc. no way all of the LI stations, which are LIE south record a heat wave and you do not.
  7. Yes. Another LI poster at 90z FRG, to my south is at 89. So yes…
  8. 89/73 here, low of 75 overnight, briefly hit 90 earlier, so 4 day heatwave
  9. That storm blew up east of you and we got a nice drink out of it. Poured for a solid 10 minutes. Nice surprise. Hit 94 today, down to 84/78 with the rain, HI still 96 lol
  10. Can’t remember the last excessive heat warning for Suffolk county
  11. You are twisting and contorting as much as you can to convince yourself humans haven’t caused climate change. It’s hard to watch.
  12. That’s crazy and batshit insane and makes no sense.
  13. We didn’t get that rain out here. We have had many nice weekends this summer. Do you follow the weather or just post and ask questions?
  14. It hasn’t been that bad. Yesterday was nice and last weekend was beautiful. Today sucks for sure. We don’t have many weekends in summer and to ruin a weekend day is brutal
  15. Deluge now, needed rain, too bad it’s killing a Sunday in august
  16. Pouring rain On the drive back from Montauk. Like a firehouse straight at central suffolk….Montauk itself was dry
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