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Round Hill WX

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Everything posted by Round Hill WX

  1. Never thought I'd block anyone here....but today I had to pull the trigger on 2 posters.
  2. 3.25” in Round Hill. Just went over to sleet. 20 degrees.
  3. Unfortunately it was an under water eruption. So ocean temps will be warmer which means we mix and go to all rain.
  4. I know it’s January and this is the 850 anomaly, but it pretty much tells the story.
  5. Just enough to cover the deck in Round Hill. 28/21
  6. When’s Chuck gonna post a dot matrix northern hemisphere map and tell us this snow ain’t happening again?
  7. 2.5” in Round Hill. Snow has ended. 29. I’ll take it.
  8. Gonna enjoy whatever happens Wednesday before the mid-month TORCH. But, I don't hate the MJO progression as we head toward Christmas.
  9. The 12z GFS continues to show a decent storm for next Sunday. Just looking at the precip type map it looks like a pretty good snow event to the NW. However, looking at the sounding, there is nothing but dry air in the dendritic snow growth zone. It's possible that there could be some wet snow to end, but too much dry air works in by the time the column is cold enough for snow. Mostly a rain event.
  10. Yeah it was pretty solid for around here. Even had some pea sized hail.
  11. HRRR has been pretty consistent with a short window of discrete cell activity in the immediate DC area ahead of the main line. There is moderate CAPE and nice 0-6km shear as well in this area. This creates a nice MUH streak right thru FFax, DC, and PG.
  12. Snow accumulating on the deck. Down to 33/32
  13. Rain has changed to wet snow In Round Hill. 36/32
  14. Bit late but here ya go! Thanks for putting this together. Latitude: 39.139663 | Longitude: -77.785095
  15. 0z EURO had a nice west based -NAO with well-below 850s around 3/6. The PAC sucked at the same time but not a shut out pattern.
  16. Nasty freezing mist had commenced in Round Hill. 26/24 Snowblowing done...beer time!
  17. I say this in a non-condescending tone...hopefully as a weather nerd community, we have learned this winter the NAMs are very good inside of 36-48 hours...especially with thermal height profiles. @high risk has been a big supporter and advocate for it's benefit and hopefully people will elevate it in their forecasting toolbox.
  18. NAMS have very light, showery mixed precip through the night out our way. Not much in the way of additional accumulations though.
  19. Weenies wanted to believe in the PARA so bad...skewed their expectations. Sleet ongoing here. Still only 24 degrees. My big dilemma right now is when to clear the driveway???
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