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Everything posted by TriPol

  1. You know, I'd normally say don't give us a cold autumn, but we've had warm autumns over the past few years and gotten stuck with terrible winters.
  2. What happens if Hurricane Omega runs into an Omega Block?
  3. I remember a Norlun in Suffolk some time in mid December 1988.
  4. Has there ever been a La Nina winter where the month of September winds up being below normal? If so, what was that winter like?
  5. So if they retire the name Alpha, what do they replace it with?
  6. Why did they even bother naming this?
  7. Is that a retrograding hurricane? I don't think I've ever seen something like that before hit the East Coast.
  8. Could not ask for a more beautiful day outside.
  9. Can we just nuke Sally and call it a day?
  10. That's because we're using "average" to calculate the "average" temperature. Climate is anything but "average."
  11. Is the 1033 high moving to the East in this? If so, that would be a nice graze on the outer banks and then a strike in the Mid Atlantic.
  12. Nice little thundershower here. That was a fun appetizer for the weekend.
  13. When is the last time JB was right about anything? I listen to him like I listen to the old farmer's almanac.
  14. What happens if they have to retire the name Alpha? Which alphabet would we go to next?
  15. Just heard a clap of thunder... make that two claps of thunder outside. Second one was loud!
  16. I'll be you $100 it'll rain here in the next month or so.
  17. With all of the heat up north this summer, it's going to be hard for cold air to flow downards for the upcoming winter.
  18. Can someone send me a link of the tiered environmental impact study that was done for the Brooklyn Bridge?
  19. I truly wonder if Gloria was transitioning to ET by the time it hit LI or if it was still a legit huricane.
  20. This was just an appetizer. This season has months left to it and no hint of a pattern change. The East Coast is going to get rocked more times.
  21. EURO hasn't been great with this storm, but it's much more east now than it used to be. So thinking it might skirt the Carolinas and head right up the coast alla Gloria.
  22. Too early to call today a bust?
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