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About ConvectiveIA

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Des Moines, Iowa

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  1. Not sure if this was what was meant but I lived in SE CT for years and the general flavor of that area is quite distinct from the rest of CT and shares a lot more similarities (and accent) with Rhode Island
  2. Things have trended less organized in the last suite of runs showing that for us, it’s a day late and a dollar short for the promises of high totals the models advertised yesterday. Big screw zone on west side of Iowa extending into the DSM/Ames metro area
  3. Most models held agreement and held steady overnight and it looks like the HRRR 36hr 0z came north a tad to agree with the rest. I’m confident in a solid 2 inches for us now. Winter weather advisory is up for 2-6 inches
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