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Everything posted by Brasiluvsnow

  1. Just when we thought we were OUT the GFS pulls us back in !
  2. I appreciate all these threads and all the analysis but when it comes to global warming or climate change I do not understand and maybe someone can explain this to me as if I am 5 ? Is Antartica colder or does it have more ice right now in 2023 soon to be 2024 than it did in 1979 ? If Antartica is colder or has more ice NOW = how is that possible if Global Warming is legit ?
  3. It was like the Wild West last night as everything outside that was not nailed down was flying,,,,,in retrospect I'm glad I took the Decorations off the roof----- not sure how many inches of rain we had here in New City but I am still pumping it off of the pool cover. Stay safe and dry all
  4. I am trying to remember the year because I can remember the Thanks Giving Snow as well and I remember it melted real fast once the storm was over that afternoon --- I am thinking it was 88 or 89 but the only year that I can actually remember and put my finger on is Leon Lett touching that ball on ThanksGiving 93 lol
  5. Anthony He and the team are already down on the earth,,,I didn't wait until tonight,,,,,ps last week the winds were gusting to 30 and we had issues so even though I took precautions last week and looking and not trusting these maps I figured better safe than sorry
  6. I am going to wait until dinner time to make the call but I am leaning towards temporarily taking the Christmas decorations down from my roof,,,,I mean even if the winds verified at half as strong as depicted on those maps and they could be 35mph with higher gusts N n W of NYC and I would rather be safe than sorry. I will see what the models are showing later today to make my final call but im leaning towards caution
  7. I don't have # but the winds here in New City were definitely gusting higher than 15 mph ( much higher ) as Santa and his reindeer are currently having some serious issues on my roof but I won't be climbing up there to fix them until these winds die down all together,,,,,,anyone have a guesstimate as to what time these winds will stop as me and the elves need to get topside and get things secured on my roof
  8. no apologies necessary MJO ,,,everyone should just stick to the maps, charts, predictions and explanations fellas as the pettiness really gets ugly. Now back to weather
  9. 12:40 in New City New York and it is 35 degrees out there !!!!!
  10. Just walked the dog,,,breezy but no rain falling In New City as of now / 5 am
  11. We gave it a shot Rob as the party began around 2 pm at my house and we were good until 4 pm but then all hell broke loose and we had to take it indoors. It began thundering earlier than 4 and for quite a while so I started looking at the radar and I saw that the Bronx and some other areas were getting crushed,,,,,,,,Im glad I did not cancel as it was a fun time
  12. Yep they did,,,,,,,,HRRR was not much help along with the others as We got in 2 hours of dry,,,,,,,but at 4 pm all hell broke loose and we had to take it indoors.
  13. your keyboard to mother natures ears,,,,,,thanks
  14. Rob yep,,,,and the thing is that it has been very hard to get this group together something has always come up for a few of us so thats why I am pushing to get us together, and get this in today,,,,I have cover if need be and we can head inside for that along with more ice or wine if needed
  15. Yes Rob,,,,,and the HRRR along with 3k and now the 12K which was previously wetter looks better but I just wish that I could be certain that these pop up storms were going to happen later ( if at all ) say closer to 6 pm than 2 pm when my shindig begins. Thanks for the reply
  16. SL74, yep my feelings exactly as I have been looking at the HRRR and it looks like I could get it in,,,,,3k and 12K nam show similar to the HRRR. If I knew for sure that the storms would hold off until 5 or 6 ( or later ) I would be feeling better about life
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