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About Brasiluvsnow

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  • Location:
    Rockland County

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  1. white here,,,,,,,,,,,snowing lightly and streets are white ,,,,New City Rockland County ,,,that is all
  2. Liberty,,,I agree and personally as I have said before -- I realize that it can snow in March but personally once March gets here I am done ( and I luv the snow as much as anyone ) as snow in March is gone a day later
  3. I'm not there YET but I am close as I will give it 2 more weeks and keep begging ,,,,,,,,March snow is almost always gone a day later,,,,,,,when Feb is over I get into yard and Spring mode
  4. New City / Rockland County and I am at 32 degrees and there is a lot of slippery slop out there
  5. Lets Go Mets Go,,,,,,liking the overnight trends much more than yesterdays runs
  6. Yankee fan here but let's go Mets go,,,as I'm a bigger snow fan,,,,,,overnight model runs renewed enthusiasm and hope
  7. Ant,,,,,,I think you need to save this storm and this winter and change your avatar back to the OLD one as people have suggested,,,,, drastic measures are needed brother we are half way through Feb = DO IT
  8. Just noticed that Flakes are falling here in New City Rockland County,,,, for now that is all over and out
  9. Looks as if snow breaks out in a bout 8 hours ( 2 pm give or take an hour ) and 8 hours later we say buh bye as it turns to ice and or rain around 10 pm ( give or take ) ,,,,,enjoy the day all
  10. I feel your pain wide awake since 2,,,,that said I wish this storm was 2 days away and NOT 5
  11. New City - Rockland county checking in,,,,,,,snowing here and the cars and my driveway are white
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