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the ghost of leroy

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Everything posted by the ghost of leroy

  1. Good post. I agree that speed was perhaps the biggest detriment. It maybe could have gotten to 100kts or so had it just been moving at a more routine pace.
  2. It could just be different gust methodology. Like 3sec vs 10sec or something. Fujita did make the best maps, though. I'd love to get my hands on some of his stuff for framing purposes. They are flat out art.
  3. ^A vessel docked inland on one of the rivers recorded 120 sustained but it was a bit above 10m if I remember correctly. I think the areas that received the highest winds weren't sampled, and even if they were I am not sure how Fujita would have distinguised between wind and surge damage since the worst of both were likely collocated.
  4. it's not going to stop at the sparsely populated coast. i shouldnt have to explain that tropical cyclones have inland effects, especially when we consider mountainous terrain and poor people. this is TC's 101.
  5. nonevent in terms of what? even if the eyewall crosses the coast in an area of sparse population the circulation is large and it will likely dump a ton of rain, causing flooding and mudslides. i wouldn't downplay it yet.
  6. should be interesting for him. i think his only luzon chase so far was NARI 2013.
  7. there are pics out there...prepare to be underwhelmed...it looks nothing like a cat 5 strike...
  8. the airport is near the S end of the island, in or next to the eyewall. If that 9 was replaced with an 8 then the central pressure would probably be sub 870. i think the sensor is just wonky because a super typhoon just hit it. the 883 theory is just too crazy to believe.
  9. the pressure gradient in something like this is very extreme. those numbers could be totally consistent with a <900mb storm, especially the 933.
  10. The other KS/MO/AR thread is kind of like that, but right now they are in winter mode it seems. I never felt comfortable in it. SLGT risk today, then cooler wx next week. Can't wait!
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