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BGM Blizzard

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Everything posted by BGM Blizzard

  1. 18z Euro and EPS continued the trend in the wrong direction and are drying up like a desert. What are the odds this WSW ends up disappearing like a fart in the wind without even a WWA?
  2. Come on Dave, how bout some Kuchera maps to get you in the mood? I'll find the best one for ya!
  3. Eh, they threw ya a bone, you just have to dig for it lol...
  4. Ballsy. Also a 5-8 range does not meet 24hr+ criteria in PA, let alone NY.
  5. I had just looked at the 12z run and it's not really picking up much. Must be a shallow setup. Or the model just blows.
  6. Big drop off in the EPS mean of course following that OP run...
  7. CF coming thru. Nice wind shift and 7 degree temp drop in past 45 mins. It's currently a flizzard and 35 degrees.
  8. Guess that makes the 0z model cycle the most important of this winter!
  9. Was about to say Euro looks like dogshit, but it jackpots southern PA so we are in a good spot for this one.
  10. Up to 41 degrees here. Shoveling wasn't actually that bad as the 1.5 of cement had become mostly slush already. The wide pusher shovel made short work of it.
  11. Looks like a WWA event. Just question of whether it's for 3-6 or ice again.
  12. If anyone still wants the Kuchera crack for the upcoming storm, just ask, I got plenty. 20 inches for everyone!!!
  13. Up to 38 here. We may briefly touch 40 down here before CF comes through.
  14. Just went outside with the dog. Heavy freezing rain and temp of 30. We have about an inch and a half of crust (mostly sleet).
  15. Wow. Bust potential def seemed within the realm of possibility for CNY over the past 24-36 hours, but you are right, WNY seemed like a lock for atleast 8+. Ridiculous.
  16. Agreed. @SyracuseStorm needs to get on the horn and find out why the WSW have not been torn down yet. We need answers!
  17. This storm will be in Nova Scotia before BGM does any kind of forecast adjustments lol. Maybe they're thinking there could be a December 2020 BGM-style death band of 6"/hr in the final 1-2 hours of the storm?
  18. Yeah not good. Still only 26 degrees. Ice Storm Warning might be in order. Only saving grace might be if we get can get some heavier rates to either stunt the accretion rate or possibly mix with some sleet. But it's light and steady right now and icing everything over.
  19. Just stepped outside. All freezing rain. Already have a glaze on the pavement. F***kkk!
  20. Ugh, was hoping we might get mostly sleet in the southern tier. Do NOT want a buttload of ZR.
  21. I feel like we are watching the radar on SS Poseidon and trying to make sense of what is building on the horizon and trucking toward WNY
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