18z Euro and EPS continued the trend in the wrong direction and are drying up like a desert.
What are the odds this WSW ends up disappearing like a fart in the wind without even a WWA?
Up to 41 degrees here. Shoveling wasn't actually that bad as the 1.5 of cement had become mostly slush already. The wide pusher shovel made short work of it.
Wow. Bust potential def seemed within the realm of possibility for CNY over the past 24-36 hours, but you are right, WNY seemed like a lock for atleast 8+. Ridiculous.
This storm will be in Nova Scotia before BGM does any kind of forecast adjustments lol. Maybe they're thinking there could be a December 2020 BGM-style death band of 6"/hr in the final 1-2 hours of the storm?
Yeah not good. Still only 26 degrees. Ice Storm Warning might be in order. Only saving grace might be if we get can get some heavier rates to either stunt the accretion rate or possibly mix with some sleet. But it's light and steady right now and icing everything over.